Objective: create Griffen using a converted iCElizard by product sub-projects great eagle /owl and hawk + updated versions for thee familiar companions volunteer positions include: hex edit mdf linker and protos' tab installer prep procedure modder texture artist tester's modeler: knowing how to use the SKMtool set 1.2.1 all volunteers are welcome to post their places at will by submitting attched requested files tga,skm,obj,inj,mes,mdf,skb thumbs, jpg screen shots. zip file bundles
Griffen Mod SKM issue #1 not protos.tab proto typed mdf pointer un-moddified (mdf pointer inside skm unchanged) zip includes- -griffen texture -wing and body MDF moddified -griffen-ized icelizard SKM remapped texture an moddified beak and appearence
thank you for the constructive critisism. I am still working on this becaus the texture for the wings need to be more refined. I will definitly take that into consideration the next time I start on it.