Gifts from Tillahi and Thrommel "Spoilers Possible" Greetings from a long time browser first time logger and poster First off...The standard thanks to ALL you cats who resurrected this game! Your upgrades have allowed me to revisit this dandy engine once again! Since I'm not great on flattery :blahblah: , I'll get to the point...It has been longer then 30 days for both Thrommel AND Tillahi rescues (CG Vingette), and NO dice on either of them showing. Has anyone EVER had this issue as well? Too much travelling back and forth spawning monsters maybe the cause? Maybe resting till heal one too many times? Can't seem to find that DARN flower either and I've scrolled each of the random encounters...Believe me :rant: Can someone tell me if I should just move on from these perks? Having a char built around the acquisition of Scather bites when it isn't around Anyway, appreciate any advise someone can provide. I have another party in the thought process WHILE Im playing this group LOL, so Ill use the info for the next group if its too late for this group.
If you save them, they will come. Try doing some more of the temple and the nodes, the rewards depend on you continuing your quest.
I've recently found that the moment I get Thrommel out of the temple, Tillahi's reward people show up. Consistently, over the course of a few repeats via saves. Not sure what the trigger is under what conditions, but it's clear there is some trigger.
DOH!!!! I rescued Thrommel before I rescued Tillahi this time, so I'll remember NOT to do that next time :cry: Thanks for the pointer!
Just my experience to go by.... I have tried the waiting game a time or two & the rewards were a no show... But when I continue the game & make a couple trips to town to unload treasure & get supplies (burp.) (scuze me.) the representatives from the Prince & the Princess seem to find me on the way. On my current run through using the delightfull Livonya mod, I have rescued both Princess & Prince on the same outing. Went back to Hommlet for R & R, & received the reward from the Princess with only one nights rest. Seems Prince Thrommel's emmissaries are a bit slower to jump at their rulers bidding. I dunno... My guess is that it is totally random. This o' dwarf needs to wash his beard now...
Make a trip to level 3, pick a fight you can win, and leave via the escape tunnel. The princes reward usually shows there. At least it does for me. Going up and down the Hommlett/Nulb road works but seems to take forever, not to mention the random encounters. Some of those random encounters are really dangerous(4 trolls), etc.
My preferred method is to wait it out at the Welcome Wench rather than wandering about. Rest for 30 days or so. Once you hit the road, they show up. I also believe that travelling by day is a factor, because I've never met any reward people at night.
O I'm sure you'll get your just rewards on a dark and lonely road one night... BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! :evil: :evil_laug Sorry :blush: