general help needed

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by rex-felis, Jun 24, 2009.

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  1. rex-felis

    rex-felis Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Just joined today and not sure how this forum works so if i make a boo boo sorry. Downloaded the 5.5 beta last week and happy to be playing TOEE again after a years frustrated efforts to get it to play on my new computer, but i've run into a few problems. The minor one, Can't complete the Moathouse, killed everything in sight, stripted the bodies down to their sweaty boots, gone back in later and killed all the new monsters and picked up the magic chest, but toee won't say the quest is completed. Is it a fault or have i missed something.
    Now the big problem. Moved on to the temple, finished the 1st level, didn't want to go the long way to the 2nd level so used the secret door down to the Air temple, killed the air elementals then the screen just freezes, have to switch the computer off since i can't get back to desktop, task manager when it works is hidden behind toee so i can't use that. Is this a bug that has a fix or something else.
    I'am useing XP Pro sp3 with almost every update, 1 gig ndivia 9 series graphics card, 4 gig ram, amd athlon 6000+ cpu.
    Can anybody help please.
  2. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I can't really help with the freeze issue, but as far as the Moathouse quest - did you talk to whoever gave you the quest after you killed Lareth? That's how the quest gets completed, not just by actually clearing it. Since you've already moved on and been to Nulb and the Temple, it is probably too late now, but next time, talk to whoever gave you the Moathouse quest before going to Nulb.
  3. rex-felis

    rex-felis Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Thanks. Thought it was bernie who gave me the quest but just realised it was the preist, will try anyway to get the xp i should still be able to get it.
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