Every time I am in the Northern Woods when I move the party towards the center of the map I get a CTD. I have tried changing the resolution, used multiple different parties, same problem. Any solutions?
Northern Woods - the Hermit? More info please, my good man - is the game very advanced? (as in, have you put many long hours into it). Have you been there before? When you say, "toward the centre of the map" - the centre is deliberately inaccessible, so what precisely do you mean? I have to ask for lots more info as I have never heard of this before.
Yes, the map where the Hermit is. The first time it happened I had put in a few hours with that party, and it was the first time I had taken them to that map. Encountering a bear on the western edge of the map, then moving east from there the crash occurred. After reloading, I tried coming from the eastern edge, same problem. I tried approaching from every angle, and even tried moving towards the area in combat, and every time it would crash. Guessing perhaps it was just a corrupted save of some sort, I reinstalled, started a new party, gone directly to the inn until evening then to speak with the druid so I can access the map, and it is the same problem. Tried a third party, and a fourth, and it is still the same. It's a wonderful mod and I would like to enjoy the entire experience, but nothing I have tried thus far has resolved this problem.
One other thing I noticed which seemed a little odd to me, but I am not sure if it is supposed to be this way at the beginning of the game or not: there is no one in the bank, ever.
Nah, the bank never got finished. Ok, thanks very much for testing that, I will do the same and let you know, but I cannot remember this problem. Dare I ask, are you using Temple+?
No Temple plus, just the game, the first two patches, the Circle of Eight New Content Edition, Keep on the Borderlands, and the KOTB patch.