Ok, this is an attempt, to make editing the *.dlg files (and not only them) a bit easier. I merged all .dlg files into one file and filtered all functions. If you have already taken a closer look to the .dlg files you probably noticed, that they are made up of strings, boolean functions and executive functions. The following list contains all these functions as they are used in the .dlg files. I'm planning to comment them when I've some more time, but most of it is self explainig . Here we go: Boolean Functions: anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_follower", 8000 ) anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_item", 5807 ) anyone( pc.group_list(), "item_find", 3602 ) find_container_near(npc,1205) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL game.areas[2] == 0 game.global_flags[305] == 1 game.global_vars[27] == 1 game.party_npc_size() >= 2 game.party_pc_size() <= 1 game.quests[17].state <= qs_accepted game.quests[18].state == qs_botched game.quests[33].state != qs_completed game.quests[7].state <= qs_mentioned game.story_state == 0 is_daytime() npc.area == 3 npc.has_met(pc) npc.item_find(4401) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL npc.leader_get() == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL npc.map > 5019 pc.d20_query(Q_IsFallenPaladin) == 1 pc.follower_atmax() pc.has_feat(feat_slippery_mind) pc.has_wielded(3005) pc.money_get() >= 10000 pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_gather_information) >= 6 pc.stat_level_get( stat_deity ) == 16 pc.stat_level_get( stat_gender ) == gender_male pc.stat_level_get(stat_alignment) == LAWFUL_GOOD pc.stat_level_get(stat_level_paladin) == 0 pc.stat_level_get(stat_level_wizard) == 0 pc.stat_level_get(stat_race) == race_orc pc.stat_level_get(stat_strength) >= 18 Executive Functions: free_rep( npc, pc ) all_run_off(npc,pc) argue(npc,pc,40) banter(npc,pc,20) banter2(npc,pc,230) beggar_cavanaugh( npc, pc ) beggar_cavanaugh( npc, pc ) beggar_soon(npc, pc) brawl(npc,pc) buttin(npc,pc,290) change_to_demon(npc,pc,40) check_follower_thrommel_comments(npc,pc) complete_quest(npc,pc) contest_drink(npc,pc) contest_who(npc) create_item_in_inventory( 8004, pc ) crone_wait(npc,pc) cuthbert_raise_good(npc,pc) deliver_pc( npc, pc ) demo_end_game(npc,pc) destroy_orb( npc, pc ) disappear(npc,pc) discovered_and_leaves_field(npc,pc) distribute_magic_items(npc,pc) eat_in_three( npc, pc ) elmo_joins_first_time(npc,pc) end_game(pc,npc) escort_below(npc, pc) falrinth_escape(npc,pc) find_ostler(npc,pc) game.areas[3] = 1 game.fade_and_teleport( 14400, 0, 0, 5051, 389, 488 ); game.global_flags[90] = 1 game.global_vars[7] = game.random_range( 1, 100 ) game.map_flags( 5078, 0, 1 ) game.picker( npc, spell_raise_dead, should_resurrect_on, [ 585, 500, 840 ] ) game.quests[60].state = qs_botched game.quests[60].unbotch() game.quests[8].state = qs_mentioned game.quests[9].state = qs_accepted game.quests[9].state = qs_completed game.story_state = 5 game.worldmap_travel_by_dialog(5) get_rep( npc, pc ) give_robes( npc, pc ) go_hideout(npc,pc) iuz_animate_troops(npc,pc) iuz_pc_charm(npc,pc) iuz_pc_persuade(npc,pc,50,60) jufferhelp(npc,pc,160) jufferlaugh(npc,pc,150) kill_alrrem(npc) kill_antonio(npc) kill_lodriss(npc) kill_skole(npc) kill_tubal(npc) knight_party(npc,pc) leave_for_city(npc,pc) LookHedrack(npc,pc,300) make_dick_talk(npc,pc,1) make_elmo_talk(npc,pc,350) make_hate( npc, pc ) make_like( npc, pc ) make_otis_talk(npc,pc,430) make_worry( npc, pc ) money_handout(npc,pc) move_pc( npc, pc ) move_wicked( npc, pc ) npc.attack(pc) npc.attacks(pc) npc.cast_spell( spell_cure_serious_wounds, picker_obj ) npc.destroy() npc.item_transfer_to(pc,4001) npc.item_transfer_to_by_proto(pc,4107) npc.object_flag_set(OF_OFF) npc.reaction_adj( pc,-5) npc.spells_pending_to_memorized() party_transfer_to( npc, 5815 ) pc.barter(npc) pc.condition_add_with_args("Fallen_Paladin",0,0) pc.follower_add(npc) pc.follower_remove(npc) pc.has_atoned() pc.item_transfer_to(npc,2203) pc.money_adj(-900000) pc.prestige_class_add[3] pc.reputation_add( 20 ) play_effect( npc, pc ) prepare_goons( npc ) run_off(npc,pc) schedule_reward(npc,pc) senshock_kills_hedrack(npc,pc) set_hostel_flag(npc,pc) set_reward( npc, pc ) set_room_flag(npc,pc) shapechange(npc,pc,1) smigmal_escape(npc,pc) start_game_with_quest(28) summon_Iuz( npc, pc ) switch_dialog(npc,pc,90) switch_to_ashrem(npc,pc,1,10) switch_to_cuthbert(npc,pc,20) switch_to_iuz(npc,pc,210) switch_to_thrommel(npc,pc) talk_Alrrem(npc,pc,230,100) talk_Hedrack(npc,pc, 90) talk_Iuz(npc,pc,110) talk_lareth(npc,pc,310) talk_Romag(npc,pc,570) talk_Taki(npc,pc,180,20) talk_to_screng(npc,pc,270) TalkAern(npc,pc,200) TalkOohlgrist(npc,pc,470) transfer_fire_balls(npc,pc) transfer_scrolls(npc,pc) transform_into_demon_form(npc,pc,260) tuelk_talk(npc,pc,90) turn_off_gods(npc,pc) zaxis_runs_off(npc,pc) zuggtmoy_banish(npc,pc) zuggtmoy_end_game(npc,pc) zuggtmoy_pc_charm(npc,pc) zuggtmoy_pc_persuade(npc,pc,270,390) zuggtmoy_pillar_gone(npc,pc) zuggtmoy_regenerate_and_attack(npc,pc) I know they look a bit messy at the moment, but I'll bring them in a more API like form soon . Also I'm planning to include the functions used in the .py files (maybe tomorrow). ~Ares