I'm trying the new races from Co8 mod and Temple+ mod. Party alignment is Lawful Evil, party members: Svirfneblin Monk (M) Lawful Evi (ECL+3) Half-Orc Fighter (M) Neutral Evil Tiefling Rogue (F) Neutral Evil (ECL+1) Drow Cleric (F) Neutral Evil (ECL+2) Drow Wizard (M) Neutral Evil (ECL+2) I completed 3 Filliken quests and he gave less experience to the monk. The 3 quests are: Cupid's Arrow (96 XP for monk, 108 XP for each of the 4 others) Flirting With Disaster (144 XP for monk, 162 XP for each of the 4 others) Stealing Farmers (96 XP for monk, 108 XP for each of the 4 others) They all have gained the same XP before I completed Filliken quests, now the monk has 894 XP while the other 4 members have 936 XP. This never happens when I play a party with no ECL +X. What makes it different? Edit. I've completed several other quests in Hommlet and only Filliken quests gave different XP reward so far. Quest completed in this order: Contact: Captain Renton Unhappy Tailor Another Soul For Cuthbert Grain For The Church Zealotry Terjon Wants More Followers Carpenter's Dilemma Cupid's Arrow Flirting With Disaster Know When To Fold Them Stealing Farmers
It seems I have a hint of what's happening. The monk is a svirfneblin which has an ECL +3 so it's treated as level 4 character. I had a combat in Welkwood Bog and the monk gained the same XP with Elmo and Furnok (both are level 4). It's strange that Filliken's quest have lower CR(?) compared to the other Hommlet quests because his quests require you to do a few other quests first.
Yes, ECL is added to your character level for xp awards. The hommlet "express" quests are flat (aprox) level 1 story awards and Filliken's quest is mostly to introduce you to many of them---the real prize is getting the sword from him, and if you do not talk to Melany afterwards you do not even have to take her into the party
I'm still at level 1 when I received the sword from Filliken. Tried equipping it on my Neutral Evil Fighter and he collapsed because of the temporary loss of level. I'm keeping the sword and gonna sell it for money when I have higher Appraise skill. I also found 3 more holy swords from the level 10 Knight random encounter in my previous Neutral Good play. Taking Melany into the party is not a problem. She can be dismissed anytime as long as she's in Hommlet. She's not Fruella, which is in my party now. God, her battle cry ("Don't tell me what to do!") is so annoying.