You know those annoying bugs you get with some spells? I found out how to un-perm them by accident. target_item.obj.condition_add_with_args( 'sp-Silence',, spell.duration, 0, spell_obj_partsys_id ) That's for Silence, which works fine, by the way (aside from the 100 round spell duration, which should read 10) the 0 in that sentence i VERY important for the particle effects to die off. If there's no 0, the effects are assumed to be permanent. Please add to this thread spells you've seen which don't wear off.
I've noticed in my game that Web and Hold Person sometimes don't wear off - in my game it's about a 50/50 chance that the effects will be permanent. I haven't looked at Hold Person yet, but I'm pretty sure that Web does have the 0 in the string.
That is just nasty. We have to figure out where the bugs are and get rid of them. I still can't figure out where the heck the MAGIC WEAPON stuff are or what's truly wrong with it. Could be in