It seems our lost comrade has been using his lonely exile from Co8 to dispense his wit and wisdom to the masses. Here are some responses to his mighty posts Necroticpus You will be one of the first to get blown away for trying to enter someone's safe zone trying to take what they have, or resort to being a canibal. I will pump lead into anybody that enters my safe zone, and I will not be making friends, or trusting anybody during a situation like economic calaspes etc. I will not trust anybody, and if they approach me, they best be saying their prayers, because they will be meeting their maker. and Necroticpus Won’t be long until some one turns you into fertilizer for their gardens. and Necroticpus You’re a Sick Sick Man……! also Necroticpus Soused herrings are unbelieveable good. With fresh onions in a bread roll, or in a salad with fresh onions and tomatoes. Try it. ... ph'nglui mglw'nafh Necroticpus R'lyeh wgah'na