I'd like to grant a cold subtype - giving a creature immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire (+50% fire damage). I imagine the invulnerability part will be easy enough (energy resistance 99 will probably do the trick) but does anyone know how to accomplish the vulnerability part?
Can you be more specific? Is this supposed or assumed to be a new creature type (maybe for a summon?) or is this going to be a spell effect cast on a target? other words ; are we manipulating the actual proto-type or is this an effect. Code: mc_subtype_water mc_subtype_slaadi mc_subtype_reptilian mc_subtype_orc mc_subtype_incorporeal mc_subtype_lawful mc_subtype_human mc_subtype_halfling mc_subtype_half_orc mc_subtype_guardinal mc_subtype_good mc_subtype_goblinoid mc_subtype_gnome mc_subtype_gnoll mc_subtype_formian mc_subtype_fire mc_subtype_evil mc_subtype_elf mc_subtype_electricity mc_subtype_earth mc_subtype_dwarf mc_subtype_devil mc_subtype_demon mc_subtype_chaotic mc_subtype_cold mc_subtype_extraplaner mc_subtype_aquatic mc_subtype_air mc_type_vermin mc_type_undead mc_type_shapechanger mc_type_plant mc_type_outsider mc_type_ooze mc_type_monstrous_humanoid mc_type_magical_beast mc_type_humanoid mc_type_giant mc_type_fey mc_type_elemental mc_type_dragon mc_type_construct mc_type_beast mc_type_animal mc_type_aberration align_chaotic_evil align_lawful_evil align_neutral_evil align_chaotic_good align_lawful_good align_neutral_good align_chaotic_neutral align_lawful_neutral align_true_neutral size_clossal size_gargantuan size_huge size_large size_medium size_small size_tiny size_diminutive size_fine size_none MC : monster category warning: improper use of this script will crash game Code: MC = mc_type_undead PyObjHandle = game.leader.obj_set_int PyObjHandle(obj_f_critter_monster_category, MC ) or just game.leader.obj_set_int(obj_f_critter_monster_category , mc_type_undead ) #//related functions: game.leader.get_category_type() : MC type int game.leader.is_category_type(MC) :true or false game.leader.is_category_subtype(MC) : true or false if you change your PC into an undead monster type then drink a regular healing potion, you will take damage and maybe die!
Every fire spell in the game has already been adapted to do double damage in the water node. It should be easy enough to extend that to the creatures you have in mind, but you will have to redo every spell, and it still won't work with other fire damage situations eg flaming swords, flasks of oil etc that aren't scripted. The immunity should be able to be done directly, check around col 169f of protos.tab [Bonus type] Monster Energy Immunity [BT Parameter] Cold