... hey all, I have been looking and found a free 3d generator that even I (who has ZERO graphics background could use... It even does hollow objects for insides of buildings... It is DeleD 3D Lite v.1.52 and can be downloaded from http://www.delgine.com/index.php?filename=product_deled here is something I threw together this a.m. using some prefabs, textures, geometrical shapes etc.... :goth:
as the walls went up, I think I lost a worker or two... oh well they are a dime a dozen... :blahblah:
Nice, but you do realise that 3D maps are different to isometric maps right? ToEE uses isomectic maps, using a 3D map in ToEE would look very odd indeed, your characters would appear to be larger than thier surroundings when they approach the top of the map, and be dwarfed by it at the bottom of the map. Does this program have a top down isometric view?
I've found a forum on which you can download a freeware version of a program letting you render isometric terrain. You can download free textures, masks, etc. and also buy some newer version of it. The only thing is I couldn't figure out how does it work. :/ In any case if you're interested you just have to register on this site: http://www.inet2inet.com/inetforums/index.php?&CODE=00 and then download the tool and textures from here: http://www.inet2inet.com/RegUsers/ResourceCenter.asp Hope you won't take this for spam and that it'll come in handy. Oh i've found a gallery of what this thing can do, although it's all from the newer version: http://www.inet2inet.com/InetSoftware/User-Gallery/WC_Gallery/WCGallery01.asp
It all depends upon the camera angle set up... I just happened to do it at this angle for the effect, but you could do a straight down shot... I will play with it tomorrow and give it the other angle... after you set your camera angle it can either be exported to the various graphic files or you can do a print screen, edit and save as jpeg and run the mapping sequence as per Ted's tutorial...
The demo version appears to be able to generate some awesome tiles... ran through the tutorials and it was not to difficult, and they note in there to be used with your "Gaming creation software" however it appears that the full blown version does all the isomatic modeling.
I brought up the interior of the blacksmiths in Homlet to try and get the general angle of their internal maps.. I believe that it would allow people to generate the interior of buildings for future modding :yes: If someone would play with it and let me know??
I've been dabbling with a 3d modeling program called Blender myself lately. It's not only free, but opensource as well. Give it a try: www.blender3d.org
I think Screeg is using 3dMax, so there may well be a way to make something 3d and then get it to display as an isometric view, to make a jpg off it for a map. However, without that isometric view, there is not a whole lot the modders can do with it. As well as the perspective issues that Allyx raised, there is the fact that interactive stuff (eg doors, chests etc) are all designed to be perpendicular. Find a house with a door, open and shut it and have a good look at it. That sort of interactive stuff is what really creates an environment and is essential for quality modding. I'm glad u guys are getting into maps (we sure need them!) but I don't want u to waste your time. Below I have appended the pic with a highlight in red to show how a door would stand perpendicular and thus couldn't be modded onto this map (not without looking ridiculous).
I think there is a freeware version of 3d max out there called GMAX?? also the camber of the bars can be adjusted slightly to line up with the door... these are the things I need to find out to refine layouts of walls etc... as you are aware the angle of the objects can be moved 360deg in any direction to accomodate it... also what program is being used to build the overland/temple tiling views... might be I could work on some new subteranian areas to do this... I have the program that Krunch used to make Hickory and have figured out how to use different objects than what is sent with the dt1 files and how would we export that program to our engine... (or is it exported as a jpeg and done the same as an internal map) so many questions....
Using 3d maps in an isometric game IMO is just asking for trouble. Why? Perspective. Since the character sizes always stay the same size in ToEE, the map images must also keep their size consistant, otherwise it would look out of proportion. If you made these maps usable in ToEE you'd see what I mean, A six foot tall half orc may look perfectly proportioned compared to the map in one area of the map, but look like he's grown to 12 feet tall on the opposite side of the map. Diablo uses isometric maps like those in ToEE, so it stands to reason the tools used for generating these maps can produce maps that look right in ToEE. NWN uses 3D maps like the ones your using, load up the game (if you have it) zoom out to a distance that will make your character appear to be a similar size to ToEE's characters, and set the camera to a similar angle (40 degree's - ish) then consider every NPC on the map (if the map were modded into ToEE) is also about the same size as your character - you'll soon see why 3d maps in isometric games don't work.
You can also try this out: http://www.anim8or.com A free 3D toolkit that's easy to use and that's absolutely free. I looked it up and it looks quite fine. - Agetian
Regarding isometric vs. perspective, I think a picture is worth a thousand words: Perspective: Isometric (called Orthographic in Blender):
Agetian, then you feel that it will cover our Isometric requirements??? I can learn to use whatever we find, I just am not in a position to go out and start buying software...