Well, now that i've seen them in the game, i'm afraid I want to have elf bodies that match up with the drow portraits available. How would I go about changing a character to these skins?
you would change every elf in the game to a drow for a start, then you would go through the 200 or so clothing/armour tga's and change the skin colour from light to dark leaving the rest of the image unchanged.
So in other words it's totally undoable haha. Just checking, thanks for the reply. However, I still have the script written down (thanks cerulean!) for consoling monsters into your party.... would you happen to know where I could find a list of monsters so I can fish up the drow's model number and just console him in? I assume he can take a class whenever he qualifies for it..
There are no "drow models". The drow you encounter below Vorbobonc are the end result of Cujo's (Co8s skinnig master) attempts to encorporate drow into the game. They are regular elf models with tweaks applied to alter the skintones and custom armor. Well you could apply those same tweaks to an elf PC the various armors contain skintones for the arms legs and sometimes chest. As Cujo pointed out you would have to alter your copy of probably half of the armor in the game. If you did go to all that work every time you ran across an elf using one of the altered armors s/he'd show up with black legs and arms but a white face. Bottom line if you're still interested in this project you should politely PM Cujo. He's the expert and put a LOT of work into it before deciding it's impossible with our current level of control over the game engine. You may get a more detailed anser from him anyway next time he's on, but I figured I'd let you know you're biting off a lot more than you seem to realise. Cuchulainn.
Like Cujo said, the current drow are just normal looking elves with armor and masks that change their appearance. As for consoling one in, all of them are well above first level, but if you still want to, check out description.mes for the proto number (just search it for the word Drow). A better option might be to just console in the armor and mask for an elf. Then it would look like a drow.
there are some items listed in the description.mes that will make your character look drow if you want to console them in - just be warned that funny things might start happing to your PCs afterwards.