I mean my party sleeps for 6 days to get healed completely. Are there any negative effects of this like quests that will run out of time / expire etcetera? How do you deal with getting healed? I have a cleric in my party but she doesn't seem to auto cast the healing spells every morning
There are a few timed quests, the assassination quest i nulb and cure for amri or whatever her name is. The rewards for freeing prisoners are also time-based so if you rest a lot you will get the rewards at a lower level. I think that if you roleplay and have healers, you should use their abilities to quicken the process and get back out adventuring.
To my experience it can increase your chance of getting infected by a desease if you rest longer. This happend to me especially at the beginning, maybe because my saving throws are still low at that stage? I don't know.
Yeah, but supposedly only when resting in 'dirty' areas. But how do you know if it's dirty or not? I mean I once got infected in the fire node, well my PC anyway. I thought bacteria can't stand high heat.
Actually, the diseases you catch ... Like "Filth Fever" and such are usually brought on by a bite from an unclean four legged furry foe. The disease can take a few days to incubate before actually showing it's effects. On a aside note; were you guys aware that you can get rid of a disease, (in game) by succeeding at two consecutive saving throws?
I get the intended joke but look at the floors- if you see a bunch of bugs crawling around your chances of catching a disease are greatly increased...
That makes sense I guess. Well, the whole temple is crawling up with bugs... My party even killed one that was as big as a bear. Get it? Bug as big as bear? Hehe. Well, that's what I did. "Rest for 7 days".... "Still diseased, ability damaged".... "Rest for another 7 days"... They lived of salamanders carcasses. It's rich in antioxidant, contains 1000 mg of vitamin C, and it tastes just like barbeque.