There's more to it than this... I've re-written this python script 6-ways-from-sunday, and it's still not bringin' back the lil chitlens. I've tried toggling the on_heartbeat to set flag OF_ON... no go. I've tried making a null file... no go. I've used other variables... no go. I'm still looking, but it might be something in the exe.... if you look at the devenv.txt that's a build log, a lot of script goes in there...
Do you end up with a compiled script file for it? I get a number of compiled scripts showing up, but the kid one doesn't seem to compile-- I just end up with the .py I dropped in the directory-- no .pyc. On a side note, as long as there is a scr directory, the game throws any script it uses at that time in there in compiled form. I suppose it checks for the directory, and if it's not there (the default install) it just compiles it and holds it in mem. Might actually help performance as the game may not compile scripts on the fly if compiled versions are already present on the hard disk...
I had an idea about bringing the children back into the game, but since I have not played through ToEE I don't want to look through the dialogs to see if this is possible since I don't want to read spoliers in the dialogs... So I thought I would just throw it out. Is there ever a point in the game where new NPCs are spawned via dialog? For instance you meet someone and talk to them and then suddenly some monsters spawn and attack you. I know that Terjon doesn't appear in the St. Cuthbert until you talk to Calmert, and I did take a look at this... and Terjon's appearance appears to occur via dialog and global_flags and global.map_flags Perhaps you could spawn the children via dialog. I am not sure if this is possible, but it seems to me that dialog is the key to making most changes.