Do it by the 4's - a guide to ToEE speed play

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Kamanze, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. Kamanze

    Kamanze 7th son of a 7th son

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Here's some tips for speeding up your game play and playing with the lights out.

    Some of the most used functions are very handilly laid out on the keyboard so you don't have to keep looking down at your keyboard.

    1. Put your pointing or "first" finger on the question mark your pinky hits the "M" key, very handy for bringy up the map.

    2. Put your pinky on the Q and your first finger is on the "R" key, handy for resting

    3. Put your pinky on the tilde key (located left of the 1 key) and your first finger is on the 3 key, this is the third member of your part from the left. This is usefull if your "talker" or character with the high Bluff, Sense Motive etc is here cause you can easily cue him up to go talk to npc's. If your talker is not number 3 disregard.

    4. Put your first finger on the "Enter" key and your pinky is on the "L" key, this is handy for logbooking.

    Also if you hold the CTRL key you can go to your radial menu and assign which function you want to be assigned to which key, this is handy for creating your own setup! What i've done is put Charge Attack, Ready for Approach, and Full Attack on keys , . / next to the m key for ease of use and I use them so often.

    One last thing, if you use alot of sleep and deep slumber spells like me, find a nice comfortable key to assign Coup De Grace cause you'll use it alot. If you forget which keys you assigned what, it'll show you in the radial menu next to the function which key it is assigned. Thanks for reading and happy speeding!
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  2. One nd

    One nd Member

    May 7, 2008
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    One of my favorites is to hot key "Read Magic" -especialy with a sorcerer, and have him quickly identify scrolls and potiens with any spells left over after a productive day of adventuring.
  3. nyarlathotep

    nyarlathotep Merry Murder Maniac

    Feb 4, 2008
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    hmmm...there's a reason why I like turn-based games, it's the "no-stress-I-ve-got-all-the-time-in-the-world" factor, so I won't use a lot of this info. Yup, I like playing games like a couch-potatoe, only using the mouse.
    Although it's nice to learn you can actually assign hotkeys.
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