Does anyone know how many characters (as in letters, spaces etc) is the maximum before the dialogue box starts to overflow and look messy? Not wanting to test this if someone already knows Zeb the lazy modder who has got Black Jay to swear in French. Hoorah! Progress!
Sacre bleu!! Power up DH, go and talk to Lila and see how many characterters before it overflows (You can click the little head to expand the box at a moment like that btw).
Thanks Ted. Needed a character who does it or a number. Character works well. BTW Having black jay call you names from the other side of Hommlet doesn't make the game happy :ja: I know about the head, but sometimes it breaks the flow. Would rather go for the 'more' option if I'm trying to create tension by splitting a dialogue. edit: number is around 200 (ie 4 lines of c. 50). This includes the character name.
Thought I'd keep things tidy with a revival of this thread. Could someone tell me what the '!=' means in a dialogue file. eg from Burne game.quests[15].state != qs_unknown Gracias to the wise for answering Z