My Dwarven Barbarian has lost 15 of the 16 points he had in his dex. The only thing that I could have encountered, that might have done it were the 2 Werewolves on lvl2 of the Temple dungeon. Nothing will restore it, tried Heal, Lesser restoration and Restoration, remove curse and remove disease. Anyone else had this happen, and if so how did you fix it?
You mean like he has 1 Dex now? Are there any effects on him? Has he been poisoned? Can you show me a screenshot?
Did you have to raise him from the dead? The reason I ask is, When I raised my Barbarian from the dead, his dex was reduced to one. Nothing that I did changed it. I had to start from a ealier saved game. On the atari forums I let Zhuge know and he added it to his bug list. Sorry if this is not more helpful.