Current Issues Tracker

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Gaear, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    This thread exists in order to inform the player of current issues with ToEE and the Co8 modpack and their solutions, if there are any. This thread is topical, so as new issues arise they will be added, and as they go away they will be dropped. This thread will also only address major issues.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Issue: The ToEE executable / antivirus problem.

    What happens: the game or the front end won't launch, or the front end tells you you have to launch ToEE from the root directory.

    Why: the ToEE executable is missing, because your antivirus software quarantined or deleted it.

    What else happens: alternatively, your antivirus software may warn you that it thinks toee.exe is a trojan.

    Why: toee.exe is falsely identified as malware in many antivirus databases. Don't worry, it's not. The executable we use is the same as the one first published 'legitimately' by GoG. It is technically a no-cd in that it eliminates the DRM restrictions so you don't have to play with CDs in your optical drive.

    Solution: add toee.exe to your antivirus list of exceptions. If that doesn't work, disable your antivirus software. If that doesn't work, uninstall your antivirus software. You may think we're joking, but it's true - some antivirus software keeps working even when it's disabled.

    Primary known offenders: Microsoft Security Essentials, Comodo, McAfee, Avira. These generally will prevent you from playing ToEE, no matter what you do.

    Secondary known offenders: Bitdefender - won't delete the ToEE executable but constantly interferes with the process and renders the game unplayable.

    Known non-offenders: AVG, Avast, Norton, Panda. These generally will complain about toee.exe only once and will play nice after you add it as an exception.

    [Author's note: I use AVG Free without issue and highly recommend it for use with ToEE. All you need to do is add toee.exe as an exception once and you're done. - Gaear]
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Issue: The nVidia graphics driver problem

    What happens: characters and other visuals such as chests may disappear, flicker, flash, etc. Only blue selection circles may be visible.

    Why: your nVidia graphics driver is not playing nice.

    Solution: roll back to an older graphics driver.

    Primary known offenders: nVidia graphics drivers 296.10.

    Known non-offenders: nVidia graphics drivers 275.33, 197.45.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Issue: The phantom freeze/hang problem

    What happens: you start the game and everrything's fine, but then it either appears to freeze or hang within a few moments, or it does so the next time you launch the game.

    Why: it's some kind of Windows/app/video communication problem. Windows seems to get confused when it's asked to play a video and/or possibly when something changes with the resolution settings, and it makes an application other than the game active, which results in the appearance that ToEE has hung. All that's really happened though is that ToEE has moved to the background, even though the screen is still on top.

    Solution: select or deselect 'disable intros' in TFE-X (whichever it isn't) next time you launch the game; alternately, hit alt-tab or your Windows button and it might free it up.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Issue: Invalid CEN Header

    What happens: you receive an "Invalid CEN Header" error when trying to activate the Co8 Modpack v8.

    Why: You have Java 6 installed. v8 of the modpack is too large to run under Java 6.

    Solution: upgrade to Java 7 or newer. (Uninstall Java 6 first.)

    Primary known offenders: Co8 Modpack v8 with Java 6.

    Known non-offenders: Co8 Modpack v8 with Java 7.

    From Agetian:

    IMPORTANT: The latest versions of the Circle of Eight Modpack (v8.0.0 and newer) require Java 7 to activate correctly and will not work on Java 6 systems. If you're receiving an "Invalid CEN Header" error when trying to activate the Co8 Modpack v8, please update your Java to the latest official version and then try again. This is a Java 6 limitation and can't be worked around in any other way except by updating your Java runtime to the latest build.
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