I Just bought the game a few days ago, and immediately started searching the net for info/patches etc. Looks like it's a good thing I did, maybe... I downloaded patch 2, Co8 3.0.4 and temple.zip from Meobius. Installed them in the order listed, very carefully and as described in the messages on this board. Now I can't save or load a game without crashing to desktop. I do NOT have SP2 installed, I won't be caught dead using it. I do have DX 9.0c Help.
I've downloaded the "start_equipment.mes" mentioned below, but I have a huge problem... How do I replace it, when I can't FIND the old bugged one? It's not in the Co8 3.0.4 anywhere that I can find. There's only the ToEE_Fan_Fixes_V3-0-4.exe and a searc of my hard drives finds only the one downloaded.
Not impressed I was able to finaly find the bugged "start_equipment.mes" and replace it with the new one. Now the game crashes to Desktop when changing maps. I am NOT impressed.
It's hard to tell what is wrong but CTDs on map changes have been reported previously at the Atari forums with unmodded games. If it consistently happens to only 1 saved game whereas the rest are ok, it might be a case of saved file corruption. Does it happen only to a particular map? Or is it common to all maps? Do your characters have any permanent spell effects? I've been running my old saves and they appear pretty stable but I don't have DX9.0c (using DX9.0b and Win ME). Anyway if you are still having trouble, try mailing the saved file to me at zhugetx@yahoo.com. I'll try my best to see what's wrong.
As I recall, it happened without spell effects. I don't believe I have the saved games, but I'll reinstall the game and patches within the next couple of days and see if I can reproduce the CTD. If I can, I'll send you the savegame file.