Over the next few days, I'm going to be detailing my (less-than-extensive) knowledge of statting up creatures in the protos.tab to help folks make their creatures rules-compliant. There's a lot of holes in my knowledge, so if I miss something that someone else knows about, please feel free to pipe up and tell me how much of an idiot I am. This is about making things easier for our fellow modders. I'm going to start off by listing the various entries in the protos.tab and then eventually move on to statting up some sample creatures.
Re: Creature Feature (Protos.tab Entries Part 1) I use the World Builder for my protos.tab editing, so this guide is going to be based on using it for NPC and monster creation. You Phalzr's Protoeditor folks are on your own. I’ll start off with a line-by-line description of the protos entries (to the limit of my understanding). I’m going to skip over lines which are not used in ToEE or that I have absolutely no idea what they do. (Hopefully someone will be kind enough to fill in information for the latter.) Proto Number: This is the ID number of your creature or item within the protos.tab and must be unique. Creatures are in the 14xxx range. Object Type: Pretty straight-forward. This is what kind of object the protos entry refers to. Since we’re focusing on NPCs and creatures, the entry should be obj_t_npc Model Scale (%): This is used to adjust the size that the creature will appear on the screen, with 100% being the normal size for the model used. Keep in mind though the “normal†is going to vary from model to model. Object Name (per onames.mes): I’m not how this works. Obviously it references onames.mes, but I’m unclear on what the purpose of that file is. Hopefully someone will help with that one. Object Description: This references the corresponding entry in the description.mes and long_description.mes files. Normally this matches your Proto Number. Object Size: This determines the size of the object per the D&D rules. So a medium-sized creature, like a human, would be size_medium, a halfing would be size_small and an ogre would be size_large. Changing the size will inform the ToEE engine to add the correct size-based modifiers to skills, weapon attacks (but not natural attacks) and AC and determine what-sized weapons a creature can wield. Hit Points: You can set the base hit points for the creature, before any adjustments for Constitution, familiars or Toughness here. However, this will only work for creatures with class levels or creatures with only one hit die. For other creatures, the game will ignore this entry and “roll†for hit points when the creature is generated. Likewise, if you leave this entry blank the engine will “roll†hit points for the creature. Material: This determines what the creature is made out of, and thus what sound effect to fire when the creature is hit. It may also have an effect on the creature’s appearance, but I’m not sure. For most NPCs, you’ll use mat_flesh here. Category (per category.mes): I’m unsure what this is for Object Model Mesh ID: Determines how the creature interacts with objects worn or carried. Human males are 100, while human females are 101, for example. Object Radius: Also unclear on this 3D Render Height: Determines how high off the ground the creature appears. Container Inventory Source: References an entry in the invensource.mes for carried items and equipment. Only used for creatures spawned via spell, random encounter or scripting. Otherwise inventory is mobbed into the creature. Critter Flags 1 (OCF_*): Flags associated with the creature. Most, other than OCF_NO_FLEE, aren’t used in ToEE. Critter Flags 2 (OCF2_*): More flags associated with the creature. Most creatures in ToEE have this line blank. Critter Strength: The Strength score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Dexterity: The Dexterity score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Constitution: The Constitution score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Intelligence: The Intelligence score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Wisdom: The Wisdom score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Charisma: The Charisma score of the Creature. For creatures with no score, use -1. Critter Race: The character race of the creature. For any creature that is not a normal PC race (Human, Dwarf, Elf, etc) leave this blank. Critter Gender: The sex of the creature. For sexless creatures, like oozes and elementals, this can be left blank. Critter Alignment: Alignment of the creature. Critter Deity: What Deity the creature worships. Can be left blank unless cleric or recruitable NPC who might be multi-classed into Cleric. Critter Domain 1: Cleric Domain possessed by creature. Can be left blank unless Cleric or otherwise able to use Domain powers. Critter Domain 2: Cleric Domain possessed by creature. Can be left blank unless Cleric or otherwise able to use Domain powers. Critter Alignment Choice: Determines whether a cleric channels positive or negative energy. Can be left blank if not Cleric. Critr. School Specialization: I assume this is for specialist Wizards, but it doesn’t seem to be used. Critter Portrait ID: Determines what portrait is used for the creature within the game. References the portraits.mes file. Critter Descr. (If Unknown): Determines the “name†that floats over a creature’s head before you speak to it. Critter Reach: How much reach, in feet, the creature has with its natural weapons. Defaults to 5 if left blank. Number of Attacks: How many attacks the creature gets with its primary natural weapon. This is not used for creatures without natural attacks like bites or claws. Creature Damage Dice: How much damage, including Strength and other bonuses, the creature does with its primary natural weapon, listed in the form of dice plus bonus damage. (ie 1d6+6) Creature Damage Type: What form of natural weapon the primary attack is: Claw, Bite, Slam, Sting, etc. To Hit Bonus: The creature’s attack bonus with its primary natural weapon, including hit dice, Strength or Dexterity, and Size, but not class levels or feats. (These will be added automatically by the engine.) Number of Attacks 1: How many attacks the creature gets with its secondary natural weapon. This is not used for creatures without natural attacks like bites or claws. Creature Damage Dice: How much damage, including Strength and other bonuses, the creature does with its secondary natural weapon, listed in the form of dice plus bonus damage. (ie 1d4+3) Remember, most non-primary attacks only use ½ the creature’s Strength bonus to damage. Creature Damage Type: What form of natural weapon the secondary attack is: Claw, Bite, Slam, Sting, etc. To Hit Bonus: The creature’s attack bonus with its secondary natural weapon, including hit dice, Strength or Dexterity, and Size, but not class levels or feats. For most creatures, their non-primary attacks are 5 below their primary attacks. Number of Attacks 2 and 3: Same as above. Critter Hair Color: What color the creature’s hair is, if any. Critter Hair Type: What style the creature’s hair is, if any. NPC Flags (ONF_*): Flags associated with the creature’s behavior, such as KOS. NPC Factions: What faction the creature belongs to. Determines who they will attack in combat. NPC Challenge Rating: The Challenge Rating, or CR of the creature. For PC-race creatures or creatures with a CR adjustment of 0 with class levels, leave this blank. For other creatures, enter the CR value of the creature without their class levels (if any) as these will automatically be calculated by the engine. For creatures with CR values lower than one, the game engine seems to use the following notation: 0=CR 1/2 -1=CR 1/3 -2=CR ¼ -3=CR 1/6 -4=CR 1/8 NPC Save vs. Reflexes: This is the Reflex save of the creature without any modifiers for feats, class levels or ability scores. The game engine will calculate those automatically. Only the base save for monster hit dice and racial modifiers should be included here. NPC Save vs. Fortitude: This is the Fortitude save of the creature without any modifiers for feats, class levels or ability scores. Only the base save for monster hit dice and racial modifiers should be included here. NPC Save vs. Willpower: This is the Willpower save of the creature without any modifiers for feats, class levels or ability scores. Only the base save for monster hit dice and racial modifiers should be included here. NPC AC Bonus: This is the natural armor bonus for the creature. It does not include values for worn armor, feats, Dexterity or size modifiers. Only the natural armor bonus and special bonuses to AC should be listed here. Everything else will be calculated by the game engine. NPC Hit Dice: The base hit dice of the monster, without bonuses for Constitution, feats or class levels. These values will be added by the game engine. For “boss-monsters†and other special cases, it is permissible to “insure good rolls†by reducing the size of the individual hit die and changing it into bonus hit points. For example, the Hezrou Guardian has its Hit Dice listed as 15d4+60 instead of 15d8 to insure he gets at least a “5†on each die. Monster Category: What type of creature the creature is. Outsider, orc, dragon, etc. The Hezrou Gaurdian is an mc_type_outsider. Monster Subcategory: What specific sort of Outsider, Orc, or Dragon, etc the creature is. For example, the Hezrou Guardian is mc_subtype_chaotic mc_subtype_evil mc_subtype_demon mc_subtype_extraplanar (Please note the World Builder’s Intelliproperties lists mc_subtype_extraplanar as mc_subtype_extraplaner. However, I believe only the correct spelling actually functions properly, but I’m not positive.) NPC Loot Share Amount: If you’re not using Humble NPCs, the share of any treasure found automatically taken by the NPC.
It's for assigning a category of an item, too bad I don't have an English version of the file (it has been translated in the official Polish version along with texts of NPCs that weren't added in the final version, they even recorded the voice for Rianna in Polish!). The category is determined by the number in the protos.tab and by changing a number from 0 to let's 2 say you can change a weapons' default animations, I don't know what it does for monsters. (If someone could send the English version of the file to me I'd paste it here). // // category.mes // message number / 1000 == obj_t_* type // {0000}{nieprzypisane portale} {0001}{Zwykłe drzwi} {1000}{nieprzypisane pojemniki} {1001}{Pusty kufer} {1002}{Pusta beczka} {1003}{Pusty skarbiec} {1004}{Magiczny kufer} {1005}{Mistyczny kufer} {1006}{Tajemny kufer} {1007}{Odpady fabryczne} {1008}{Skrzynia z częściami} {1009}{Skrzynia dostawcza} {1010}{Skrzynia magazynowa} {1011}{Pakowane składniki} {1012}{Przemysłowe resztki} {1013}{Kosz na śmieci} {1014}{Zwłoki} {1015}{Roślina} {2000}{nieprzypisana dekoracja} {2001}{Drzewo} {2002}{Drzewko} {2003}{Duże drzewo} {2004}{Uschnięte drzewo} {2005}{Rośliny} {2006}{Drewno} {2007}{Małe drewno} {2008}{Duże drewno} {2009}{Kamień} {2010}{Mały kamień} {2011}{Duży kamień} {2012}{Metal} {2013}{Mały metal} {2014}{Duży metal} {2015}{Machina} {2016}{Różności} {2017}{Małe różności} {2018}{Duże różności} {2019}{Przejście} {2020}{ŁÃ³żko} {2021}{Światło} {3000}{nieprzypisane pociski} // WEAPON CATEGORIES CANNOT BE CHANGED THEY CORRESPOND TO THE // ANIMATIONS ASSOCIATED FOR THAT WEAPON, THUS IF YOU ADD OR // DELETE A WEAPON CATEGORY THE ANIMATION SYSTEM WILL HUNT YOU DOWN // AND KILL YOUR PETS! {4000}{nieprzypisana broń} {4001}{Sztylety} {4002}{Miecze} {4003}{Buławy} {4004}{Młoty} {4005}{Topory} {4006}{Maczugi} {4007}{Topory bojowe} {4008}{Miecze oburęczne} {4009}{WłÃ³cznie} {4010}{Kostury} {4011}{Broń drzewcowa} {4012}{Łuki} {4013}{Kusze} {4014}{Proce} {4015}{Strzałki} {5000}{nieprzypisana amunicja} {5001}{Strzały} {5002}{Pociski} {5003}{Ładunki} {5004}{Paliwo} {5005}{Bełty} {6000}{nieprzypisana zbroja} {6001}{Ubrania} {6002}{Szaty} {6003}{Skórzane} {6004}{Kolcze} {6005}{Płytowe} {6006}{Techniczne płytowe} {6007}{Barbarzyńskie} {6008}{Hełmy} {6009}{Pierścienie} {6010}{Medaliony} {6011}{Buty} {6012}{Rękawice} {6013}{Tarcze} {6014}{Płaszcze} {6015}{Karwasze} {6016}{Folgowe} {6017}{Biżuteria do grupowania} {7000}{nieprzypisane złoto} {7001}{Monety} {8000}{nieprzypisane jedzenie} {8001}{Jedzenie} {8002}{Napój bezalkoholowy} {8003}{Napój alkoholowy} {8004}{Mikstury} {9000}{nieprzypisane zwoje} {9001}{Zwoje} {10000}{nieprzypisane klucze} {10001}{Klucz} {11000}{nieprzypisane pisma} {11001}{Księga} {11002}{Plan} {11003}{Notatka} {11004}{Telegram} {12000}{nieprzypisane zwykłe przedmioty} {12001}{Zwykłe przedmioty} {12002}{Różne przedmioty magiczne} {12003}{Magiczne różdżki } {12004}{Magiczne berła} {12005}{Klejnoty} {12006}{Instrumenty barda} {12007}{Chowańce} {13000}{nieprzypisane PG} {13001}{Istniejący gracze} {14000}{nieprzypisane PN} {14001}{Hommlet} {14002}{Twierdza na bagnach} {14003}{Nulb} {14004}{Świątynia} {14005}{Zwierzęta} {14006}{Żywiołaki} {14007}{Zwykłe potwory} {14008}{Humanoidy} {14009}{Pozasferowcy} {14010}{Stwory roślinne} {14011}{Nieumarli} {14012}{Spotkania} {14013}{Etykiety} {14014}{Mapa Sklepu} {15000}{nieprzypisane pułapki} {15001}{Pułapki} {15002}{TrapSource} {16000}{nieprzypisane torby}
Re: Creature Feature (Protos.tab Entries Part 2) Property 1 Type: This is where you add a special trait or innate ability to the creature. Things like Damage Reduction, Poison, Energy Resistance are all listed under the Property X Type entries. For creatures, most properties being with the word Monster. Property 1 Param. 1: This is where you would enter a parameter for the property listed in the previous entry, if applicable. For example, if you gave a creature Monster Spell Resistance as a property, this entry is where you would put the value of that creatures spell resistance. So if the creature had SR 21, you would put a 21 on that line. If the property doesn’t have any additional parameters, this line would be left blank. Property 1 Param. 2: If the property given has further parameters, they would be listed in this entry. For example, a creature with Fire Resistance 10, would have a Property Type of Monster Energy Resistance, a Param 1 of Fire and a Param 2 of 10. If no additional parameters exist, leave this blank. Property 2 Type- Property 20 Type: These entries function just like the Property 1 Type above and are where you would place additional properties, as necessary. Same goes for their corresponding Param. 1 and Param. 2 entries. Class 1: The name of the first PC class of the creature, if any. For example, Fighter. Class 1 Level: The number of levels the creature has in its first class. Class 2-Class 5: Same as above, used for additional classes, if any. Class 2 Level-Class 5 Level: See above. Skill 1: The name of one of the creature’s skills goes here. Most creatures list their skills in alphabetical order, but this is not required. Skill 1 Level: The number of skill points spent on the skill. For class skills, the engine takes the number directly. For cross-class skills, the engine automatically divides the number in half. For monsters without class levels, the game treats all skills as cross-class skills. More explanation on skill levels will come later. Skill 2-Skill 10: The names of any additional skills the creature has. Skill 2 Level-Skill 10 Level: Same as Skill 1 Level above. Feat: Just want it says. Feats are listed in these lines. Use the Intelliproperties list to find the correct identifier for a feat, as not all of them follow the same format. Also, please note that if you give a creature a feat not recognized by the game engine, the game will CTD on startup. Script xxxx: These entries are used to fire python scripts associated with the creature. Since I don’t know anything about scripting, I’ll leave descriptions of these entries to the experts. NPC Additional Mesh: This entry references the meshes.mes file for additional graphic objects, like bugbear shoulderpads. Spell: This is where the spells the creature knows (for Sorcerers) or has prepared (for everyone else) are listed. Special attacks and abilities that function like spells are also listed here. Each spell gets its own line. However, in order to get a creature to cast a spell if it’s not player-controlled, the spell has to be listed in the strategy.tab entry for that creature. Spells are listed in the format of ‘Spell Name’ class_classname x (where X is the level of the spell.) So the spell Cure Light Wounds, for instance, would be listed as ‘Cure Light Wounds’ class_cleric 1. Special abilities are normally listed as ‘Spell Name’ domain_special x. Levelup Scheme: This details what progression from the levelup.tab file the creature uses, if you’re not using the NPCs level as PCs patch. (Installed automatically with the Co8 patches) AI Strategy Type: What entry from strategy.tab the creature uses for its tactics in combat. And that’s it. Now, on to some specifics regarding certain entries and aspects of creature creation. Skills: Creatures have a number of skill ranks based on class or monster type, plus their Intelligence modifier, multiplied by their level and/or hit dice. The max rank for a class skill is 3+level and/or hit dice. The max rank for a cross-class skill is ½ this amount. Once a skill is a class skill for a creature, he can always raise it to maximum rank for a class skill. However, levels or hit dice gained where this skill is not a class skill cost 2 points per rank to raise. As I mentioned before, the number in each Skill Level entry is counted as points spent, rather than total ranks. Which means for cross-class skills, the engine divides them in half before applying. All skills are considered cross-class for monsters without character classes. Meaning, for skills that the monster should have full ranks in, the amount needs to be doubled. Once a character class is applied to a creature, class skills for that class are processed normally. However, for NPCs with multiple classes, it seems as though only ranks from the last class listed are considered class skills and all other classes are considered cross-class. Which means if you’re making a Fighter/Anything else, make sure you list the Fighter first as the only in-game skill for Fighters is Intimidate. When assigning skills to monsters, remember that these values should be for only ranks in the skill. Bonuses due to size, feats and ability scores should not be listed. For non-PC race monsters, any racial bonuses should be included in the total, while PC-race creatures will have their racial bonuses automatically added by the game engine. Some skills to pay particular attention to: Concentration: Monster special abilities are frequently handled in ToEE via use of spells. Which means using them in Combat requires a Concentration check. If the monster has special powers that shouldn’t count as a spell or spell-like ability (like the spider’s webbing or an Umber Hulk’s gaze attack) give the monster a Concentration score of 50 to insure he won’t fail his check. If the monster does use spells or spell-like abilities, give him a Concentration score appropriate for his levels/HD. Tumble: Remember that characters in medium or heavy armor cannot Tumble. So don’t give ranks of Tumble to anyone you’re planning on wearing fullplate. There are many entries in the protos.tab that list skills that don’t actually exist in ToEE, like Climb, Craft and Swim. This is fine, as invalid skill choices will not have any adverse effect on the game. For the creatures I worked on, I left these “pointless†skills in to insure I had my skill calculations correct. Special Abilities as Spells: Please note that special Abilities listed as domain_special spells will use only the creature's Wisdom modifier to determine the save DC, regardless of the correct ability score for the ability or the spell level placed after the entry. I have as of yet not figured out any good way around this. It is possible to give creatures spells from other classes for their special abilities so to use different ability modifiers, but if the creature doesn’t have any levels in the class listed, the effects of the spell will be minimal. In addition, there is a bug with Sorcerer casting where a creature with Sorcerer spells will simply cast the first spell listed in the strategy.tab repeatedly until they run out of spell slots.