It's over? I have only this save for my adventure...
I'm sorry to be the one to give you the bad news but you are sh!t outta luck. We strongly suggest frequent saves, just as you would if you were writing an important report for RL. Enjoy the do-over!
Thanks anyway Basil... I saved often with this play, and it was a Normal game...i don't understand how this save is corrupted. Damn...
Best advice for preventing games ruined by corrupted saves: not only save often, but save in multiple slots as well. I usually keep at least 7 different save slots when playing, and overwrite the oldest as needed.
I always have an occasional long-term save, too. And I don't save over them, ever. Because of the secret door bug, I delete ALL saves for every new start. So there's no accumulation.
Yeah damn annoying,I get that and I forget(failed WIS roll) to save as too involved with game and forget then "Bam" bye bye to your game...,as they say in Aliens.."GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER>>" huuhuu. I do not know about a secret door bug though??? I delete all old saves because of the Quick save bug.
Not sure exactly, but somehow if you reuse characters in a new game, the appearing secret doors don't appear. The sectret side entrance to the moathouse is an example.
Hmm scripting error I think,the old characters have flagged encounters and dailogues and not sure how the game reworks this? Maybe problem with game resetting old PC data? Did you try search skill????
Yes, if it's the secret door bug, it won't help. If it does help, the secret door bug is not present.
I get frequent crashes and corrupted Mostly when I exit the temple from the side door and try to use the world And save games I do multiple but I get several corrupt saves in a row..not just one..geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. I want the Witch's S&W revolver to shoot the computer sometimes..oke:
My computer? Lol,Pentium IV with enough graphics & memory for it... I did not remove all saves last time after QuickSave & Auto save used,so deleted all and restarted. I will see what gives?