I've read the other thread about corrupt save games and it seemed to have been decided that nothing could be done if the game was properly patched (v2, co8mod, Liv's), a new game is started, and one avoids quick saves. I've yet to finish this game because every time I play I lose my save games to corruption. I even use multiple backups and inexplicably they become corrupted. Like I said, I read the other post... I just wondered if anyone had any updates or any further information as to how to avoid this extremely frustrating situation. I'd REALLY like to finish the game... By the way, not having played the game without Liv's mod, I can't fully appreciate the changes, but having perused the forums thoroughly, I can only assume that it's an amazing mod Looking forward to v2.0... assuming I can get through the game. Thanks.
My feeling is, when the corruption occurs, it occurs on that map you're in. Did you make saves from different points in the games? My only workaround was to make one save in the current area I'm in and another save prior to entering that area instead of making multiple saves of the same area. *shrugs*