So I was Hoping to make a nice little add to my game that I can use any time I want I decided to make 2 items usable in the game using Orb of sha: Note: How I use the Orb of Sha too transport to colleseum Code: from utilities import * from toee import * def san_use( attachee , triggerer ): if( == 5119 ): game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5001,400,400) else: game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5119,500,488) return SKIP_DEFAULT python scipt example for an encounter in the colisium using the Note as a voucher for a fight inside -------------------------------------------- Code: from utilities import * from toee import * def myrand_encounter( num ): if(game.leader.stat_level_get(stat_level) == 1): while ( num > 0 ): game.obj_create(14049, game.leader.location) num = num - 1 if(game.leader.stat_level_get(stat_level) == 2): while ( num > 0 ): game.obj_create(14050, game.leader.location) num = num - 1 if(game.leader.stat_level_get(stat_level) == 3): while ( num > 0 ): game.obj_create(14070, game.leader.location) num = num - 1 return SKIP_DEFAULT def san_use( attachee , triggerer ): if( == 5119): myrand_encounter( game.random_range(1,3) ) return SKIP_DEFAULT somewhat temperary for now ------------------------------------------------- the idea is too add the tab in protos for san_use for the item you want it to work with you just put the correct num for the scrip inside /data/src/ i.e [269] and [270] thumb of thee result