Co8 New Content: Arena of Heroes

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What is it? A crumbling old arena in Verbobonc where glorious battles between man, beast, and other dangerous creatures were once held.

    Author: Morpheus

    Support: Gaear

    Featured in modpacks: 6.1.0 NC, 8.1.0 New Content Edition

    New maps: 1 outdoor (Troika original)

    Quests: (1) 'Hero's Prize'

    New NPCs: Master of the Arena

    Designed for: a party of mid level adventurers

    Availability: story state 3 - after you've started exploring Nulb


    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Need some input here ...

    I'm working on completing AoH, according to Morpheus' original design as much as possible. Morpheus stated originally that the party was to receive a "prize" for completing the 'Hero's Prize' quest, which is to win three middlingly difficult battles in the arena. However, he never stated what that prize was going to be.

    I'm not going to state what the three battles are so as not to spoil, but what would be a suitable reward in this scenario? Being as there's a fair amount of ceremony surrounding this hand-out, I would think it has to be fairly significant (e.g., not a few dollars and another tribal necklace). And yet, we don't want to give away Fragarach either.

    Serious suggestions only, please.

    FYI, according to the plan right now, AoH is going to be delivered as originally envisioned - the Book of Heroes will be in the chest that Bro Smyth has you open. AoH is going to become available at story state 2 (cleared Moathouse), with HB moving to story state 3 (exploring Nulb - only a superficial difference), and MR will move to story state 4 (exploring temple - appropriate I think due to MR's tough undead battles). So think reward according to that degree of game progression.
  3. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    A +2 intelligent holy weapon, originally held by the hero, Saint Alexander Antonio Agustus, a paladin known for routing the orc horde at the Battle Of Evermore, over the hills and far away in The Misty Mountains, along with his warhorse, Black Dog. The human settlements were trying to to profit from peaceful negotiations but there was a communication breakdown and war ensued. He was foremost in the frontlines when the levee holding back the orc nation broke and he fought valiantly and fiercely, giving no quarter, breaking the horde's morale and sent them packing, beaten and with only a fraction of their original numbers. To this day, the orcs remember him as The D'yer Maker. He was praised and raised to sainthood in The Houses Of The Holy by the living loving maid, after rambling on back to mother church, dazed and confused, where his mortal wounds overcame him and he ascended the stairway to heaven.

    It is said that one day, through the good times bad times, another hero will rise to carry on the fight of evil in his name. Even after hundreds of years have passed, the song remains the same. :pelvicthr
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    *wipes his eyes*

    Simply beautiful, poetically spoken .........

    The zeppelin may be led, but it gets higher than any other.
  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    (Searches for ZOSO)

    Dependent on the expected party level, one or more of:

    Elven Composite Bow

    +1 Dwarven Axe

    +1 Adamantine Breastplate

    +3 Celtic Runes

    +2 Small Quarterstaff

    +2 Shadow Studded Leather

    One of the one-off weapons in the game that people like to console in, but otherwise would never show up.

    The idea is that the prize is notable, but useful only to a small subgroup of player characters. And, of course, it should make no sense in the context of the Arena.

    Or, better still, make it a random drop! ;)
  6. Ranth

    Ranth Established Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    I think Necro may have a career as a fantasy novelist.
  7. aehchua

    aehchua Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    I'd say identify the encounter level of the scenarios, which will give the expected level of treasure. Subtract treasure taken as "in due course" for completing the battles. The value of the reward should be similar to the remainder.

    The magic I feel is currently missing from the game that I would find valuable as treasure include:

    -Scrolls of magic spells of 6th level or above
    -Bardic instruments
    -Teleportation devices
    -Magic strength-based composite bows
    -Magic tower shields
    -Magic boots

    (Yes you can make them yourself. But finding useful items is fun.)
  8. dnd_fan

    dnd_fan Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    What about a classic DnD kind of prize like a 'Horn of Valhalla' - summons fighters, would be a useful item for any party I think but general enough not to dissapoint. eg. you give something like a +2 weapon and find that no-one in the Party has taken specialization in it / or already has same quality weapon (or has better) and they will just end up selling it.
  9. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    A dragon slaying sword, because it makes me very angry when the adult white dragon goes into concealment and you can never hit him so he just sits there wanking away all of the party.

    Or maybe something that gives the whole party a small temporary health boost, like a small bell that when you ring it, gives everyone a hero's feast buff or something. Naturally, it would be called a Dinner Bell.

    Or maybe if you want to showcase something to make a druid cool, give an item that casts an insect plague or creeping doom spell. A wave of locusts would be awesome for the quarry fight.

    Or a banner that you jam into the ground before a fight that gives you combat bonuses, like maybe a bless spell or haste or something. Actually, a magic circle from evil would be appropriate, except a larger radius than 1 foot.

    Or a boom box that plays Led Zepplin's song, Rock And Roll. It makes the party's warriors go berserk for the duration. ;)

    Or a small turret or tripod that you set down and it fires magic missiles at the enemy.

    Or something like an Iron Bands Of Bollero from the unearthed arcana. It wraps an enemy in iron bands, confining them and unable to take action, like a hold person spell in an item.

    Or a set of green umber hulk armor. The more the wearer gets hit, the stronger they get. :giggle:
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, thanks for the suggestions. I have selected one of them, but you'll have to wait to play AoH to find out what it is.
  11. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Seems that I am too late :cry: I always liked the Heart of Woe from Warhammer Dark Omen. It is an amulet that inflicts great damage(say, fire) around the bearer upon his/her death. Like the Balor when he dies, as a matter of facts.

    Ack! Just remembered the mother of all artefacts: the orb that summons Guen!!!! Wouldn't that be nice...........
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sir, let me assure you, with talent like that...

    ...your time is gonna come. ;)
  13. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    By the way, does this mean the Horn of Fog is gone?

    I've found it rather useful, especially in HB. And vs. AI with reach as well, since it always misses :)
  14. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Well, seems that Im late here... But let me say: It will be intresting to have something that we don't have yet in the game - an armour ou weapon or miscelaneous iten that its craftable, for example, or a magic weapon that have no similar in the game - as an dwarven waraxe, composite bow or a trident.
    I think that it will be much more intresting to have a little chest with some usefull less itens, like one or two +1 weapons, a magic armour and one or two miscelaneous itens.
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No, the horn will stay.
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