Co8 modpack NC not working

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by jadedjim, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. jadedjim

    jadedjim pipeweed conisouir

    Mar 19, 2009
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    wasnt sure where to post this. forum looks a little different these days.

    1st off let me say long time no see.

    2nd, i used to be able to play these older version 7.ish Co8 modpacks back on my windows xp rig.

    i got this newer vista 64 bit laptop, i run everything from a limited account, right click "run as admin" to run stuff as an admin.

    recently installed vanilla boxed toee, figured it was time to check this out again.

    so i installed the game, then the first 2 official patches.

    ive tried twice to install the latest version, with the NC. the first time i did so to the program files 86x default location . (a no no i know) it refused to activate the modpack, critical error. ok lesson learned.

    2nd attempt, funny thing is, program files location actually installed the front end loader better then then my 2nd attempt, a plain old c:/atari install, which didnt even finish installing the front end before i get a critical error, fail.

    im not trying to play ironman, i disabled auto save on map change. trying to follow direction otherwise.

    besides the obvious vista suckiness, what am i doing wrong?

    as im sure we know, it sucks installing all this, only to have to delete it all, clean the registry, then defrag the hard drive, only to turn around & do it all over again.

    also idk what it is about the official patches, but one of the two of them causes toee to not want to close correctly, have to force it from task manager, which isnt the case with the vanilla install.

    thanks guys.
  2. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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  3. jadedjim

    jadedjim pipeweed conisouir

    Mar 19, 2009
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    ^ winner winner ... scampi kobold dinner! ^

    i had 6.5. thanks for the tip!! seems to be functional! :yes:

    thank ye!

    say - is that keep on the borderlands 1.0.1 standalone, meaning you cant activate it & play Co8 toee, or can you toggle activate em @ will, or will that not play nice with each other?

    like, are the save files separate?

    actually own gygax & TSRs o.g. paperback basic d&d module, from 1981 in my closet. (character lvls 1-3)

    lastly, in closing i recommend these:


    The following scroll was looted off of a dead orc in the Suss Forest by the elven ranger
    T’Fal. The scroll was found in a bag containing halfling parts and cookie crumbs.

    Chocolate Chip Cookies of the Gods

    1 cup cold butter (two sticks)
    1 cup brown sugar
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
    2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
    3 cups chocolate chips (three 6-oz. bags)

    Directions: Beat the butter into the sugars until creamy. Add the eggs and vanilla and
    beat until just mixed. Add the flour and baking soda and beat until well blended.
    Now add the chocolate chips and stir them in with a spoon. Make cookie balls
    with a spoon or your fingers. The balls should be about as large around as a gold
    piece and you should get three-dozen of these.

    Now the hard part: put these balls on a tray, cover them with foil and put them
    in the chillbox overnight. Chilling them makes them taste so much better. If you
    cannot wait, do not expect cookies of the gods. Try not to eat all of the dough
    before morning.

    To bake the cookie balls, place a dozen on a cookie tray and let it sit for 10 minutes
    at room temperature, while the oven preheats to 400 degrees. Bake them
    8–10 minutes, or until the edges are brown but the center is still tan. Take them
    out of the oven and let them finish cooking on the pan for a few minutes."

    (pg. 152 of the toee manual)
  4. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    You´re welcome. I had the same problem a while ago because older versions of Windows don´t come with newer versions of JAVA.
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