How faithful is Co8 to the official system reference document? Can I for example use its level 20 class tables for reference? Are there any rules alterations where Co8 content behaves different than in official rules (other than those described by Gazra in her guide)?
As far as I can tell the Co8 guys have made a great job of staying as true to the SRD as the engine allows. However, there are plenty of bugs in ToEE itself that they can't fix, and lots of spells/feats/other things are not implemented, or implemented incorrectly. I would not assume that anything works as intended without trying it first, but again, I wouldn't blame Co8 for that.
We should probably remember that TOEE was originally built to use 3.0e rules and was switched in the last few months to 3.5e and somethings didn't get implemented as planned.