Me being a Christian i hate internet posts that say that D&D is a "Satanic Game". they cant stop bothering us with this stuff. cant they understand that this game is not a "Destructive Game Where Teens Learn Magic" and im not talkin about just ToEE but The whole game itself and they claim that you can find a diplomatic solution to the game. they belive that DM's are witches and mages, i mean seriosly that most of them started like us just playing a cool game that a dm told them about like us. Im a Christian and i love this game, i go to play the game once a month and my dm isn't showing me to do magic. infact my church thinks that this is an ok game. only the Catholic church finds this a problem, i think this is just to make money and books like they did with preist cant have wives because there money would go to the son and not the church when he dies and now we have preists molesting children the church says that D&D is an attack on the soul. see this website for the catholic curches stand on this subject: Tell Me Your Thoughts About This Problem.
Huh. This is old news. I didn't think the churches were still harping on D&D with all of the other corrupting influences out there nowadays, like video games and anime and the invasion of the godless Japanese into western culture. :roll:
Yes but the catholics are starting this problem up again and if the other churches start thinking this threat is a real problem its a problem to me.
Don't get me started! Oh shoot, too late... I am an athiest, I don't beleive that there are any Gods, but I don't discriminate against those that do. My ex is a christian, she travels about 50 miles each way once a month or more to a church that beleives that demons can manifest in people that need to be expelled in deliverence services. Watching a bunch of grown adults quivering about the floor like they were having a full blown epileptic fit would be funny if she didn't insist on taking the children, yet she refuses to allow me to let my daughter who is 5, to play Neverwinter Nights as she beleives that it is a form of witch craft!
Same for me. After reading a third of the article i couldn't keep doing it. Had to go to the bathroom oop: And that guy wonders why people insult him. With an obtuse brain like that, it's ovbious that an insult it's the only thing that he would take in to consideration :shrug:
As a baptest i belive that demons could only be removed by jesus, since when did jesus write a book an doing that.
As a Catholic, I have no problem playing D&D. Most of the complaints I hear about it are from Evangelicals. :shrug:
Personally having escaped the USA, I'm more concerned about Christians (read: biblebelt) killing stuff like evolution and supporting people like GWB.
I thought it was America where most people support creationism in favour of evolution. In Europe we have no problems with accepting it as the possible theory of human kind.
You really cant speak for europe.. many people of many different cultures live in europe.. and I do not believe the creation theory is one that is widely believed anywhere other than the bible belt..
This thread has way too much potential to go nowhere other than a steep downward spiral way too fast and have an ultimate crash with a singular result of people having either hurt feelings or just being plain mad.
Aye, the Kaptain's right. Twelve posts in we've already got all christians being lumped together in one big Bible belt conspiracy as wanting to destroy the world or something. Let's keep this confined to the two original subjects - Christians and D&D - or we'll be looking at a fast lock.
I'm a Christian, though not a member of any denomination- save that of all believers. I've played D&D for many years, and it's innocent fun. Players usually exhibit above average levels of intelligence and imagination. People fear the unknown. Those who are ruled by dogma, and preachers who tell them what to do and think, they lash out at what makes them feel threatened. People who live by their own conscience, and exercise their powers of reason can relax; they live and let live. Things never really change. Anyone remember the movie, "Mazes and Monsters", with a young tom hanks? What a hoot!
Though I've never had a problem myself, I've stumbled upon this site once - which seems to be set up to provide level headed counter-arguments against the "RPG's are evil" sentiment. Just aimed at the PnP variety, but since most CRPG are based on those, might help as well. ... Anyway, thought it might be useful. -Gerko, not even really lurking these days.