I am curious about how to choose the best diety for a cleric. I thought I saw a thread about this but now I can't remember where I saw it. Thanks for any help in advance.
best for a good cleric is any god with the Sun domain. The sub domain allows you to use greater turning... watch all undead around you explode into powder instead of merely cowering in fear. I am glad troika houseruled on this one and did not allow godless clerics like the DMG does... I just "love" clerics of munchikinism.
It all depends on what you want your cleric for, I use mine for turning or rebuking (depending on alignment) crafting and as extra mussle in melee. A cleric of Obad-Hai with water and air domains can craft almost any type of weapon, except alignment type upgades. Pelor is good for healing and turning. Heironeous,Corellon, Hextor, Gruumsh and Erthnul are war gods so they have magic weapon and magic vestment spells which you can use on other PCs arms and armour. There are so many options, just try some out and see what you like and works for you.