HERE IS a free game I made for anyone that is Board with the built in microsoft card games Built and tested on XP, AMD I used the Card.dll (windows link library file) that draws cards for ez card games. this is can field so heres how it goes off the top of me head the top Field is the foundation, building up on same suite and Number card drawn there is one there to start, you need to find the other 3 start foundations, go up the middle field is the tableau, this builds down alt suite like the original solo solitair but it becomes circular, so Kings can be played on the ace. enjoy use at your own risk, no warranty of any kind and by using this app, you release me of all liabilties or responsibilties, physical or mental and/or any damage. example: you can't blame me for losing your job and for playing an addictive card game. here is the wiki link for anyone seeking more info my Canfield's screen