I've just finished off the guys in the ruined tower and I've explored most of the first level of the Temple. I am playing a predominantly good-aligned party (don't remember the exact alignment I chose), and have done several favours for the church of St. Cuthbert as part of the early game quests. Granted, I also swiped a bunch of potions and scrolls from them at one point, but I think you're supposed to do that and anyway, that was a long time ago. Terjon's always been on friendly terms with me and while I personally think Calmert is an asshole, he has mostly seemed okay with us until now. All of a sudden, trying to haul a dead character in to get raised, he shouts out "Terjon! The church is under attack!" and drops a Flame Strike on our already-battered asses. The only thing I can think of is that we're wearing robes we got from the Temple, but I think we've shown up on his doorstep with them before and not had anything happen. I swear one of the times our mage got killed we were already wearing them. Oh, and speaking of NPC attacks - we failed to kill Gremag and Whatzisface, the two merchants you run out of Omelette (as I always want to call it) early in the game. A few saves ago we got ourselves killed very, very dead when they showed up for a rematch in the house you can buy in Nulb. I reloaded and avoided sleeping there until we had gained a level or two and felt ready for the rather powerful bunch he brings with him... and they're not there. What determines whether they show up? If you lie low for long enough, do they just go away, or is it random so that we may yet have to go through that fight?
To be pointed, it's a bad idea to be wearing Temple robes of those evil beings belonging to the faith and fellowship of Zuggtmoy and her evil Temple when running around in Hommlet.
Was the dead character Lareth? The one time I saw that happen was with Lareth in tow... Darley or Scorpp might do it as well.
I ask this without malice, as it brings up a game issue I once spoke of in another thread that was, to a degree, lost in the maelstrom. If the townsfolk of Hommlet can attack good people wearing evil clothes; isn't this a problem? Couldn't Lareth have converted to good along with Scorpp & Darley, too (altough she is the least likely, having demonic heritage & all), and thus should not be subject to attack? It's kind of like the game has it both ways: 1. Killing evil aligned NPC's isn't allowed, and you get a reputation; unless 2. You are an NPC, and then it's ok to attack people who you merely perceive to be evil, cause they have on a cloak or have friends who were once 'known' to be bad. The defense actions shouldn't trigger unless the villagers actually are under attack. Lareth ought to be able to get a drink at the 'Wench along with everybody else; or the game shouldn't give a person a rep for alignment based combat lacking other factors. I think it's broken, and worthy of a look at some point; obviously the easy fix is not to go 'round lopping off heads without due provocation or to take strange folk to the church while clad in the garb of the enemy.
That Cuthbert fellow sure isn't any saint. Everyone worshipping him in Hommlet seems to degenerate into a mindless berserker soon after entering Next time through, I'll convert people -to- the old faith! Seems less dangerous that way.
I killed Lareth on sight. It was the robes, though I still say I'm pretty sure I entered that place at least once with them without being attacked. Anyone got anything to say about my other question (see last paragraph of post #1)?
I know you have to talk to Preston Weltz (sp?) where he tells you people came around looking for you before they will show up. They usually do shortly after that for me, though there may be some slight time delay involved. I would look it up, but it's late, I'm tired, and Liv did a marvelous job hiding her scripts and not documenting things. With genius like hers though, who can complain.
I can say that on my third run thru- which I am in now (even though I've started #4 also) that I am still waiting for Fatboy to show with his "friends" (is is that FIENDS?) to show up. I got Gremag, but the other one escaped. I have been to my house in Nulb 3 or 4 times, and Preston has told me about the "people" hanging around- I THINK he has anyway- pretty sure. I KNOW Skole tried to extort me about keeping quiet or making up tall tales to the "people" before I offed him and his goon for trying to assasinate poor Lodriss.
The encounter is randomly generated. If you really want to fight them, you can go in and out of your house over and over until they appear.
lol - I did a search for "Calmert attacks" and got this thread. Last night I had an experiance similar to the original post. My L/N party came back from the fishing trip with a dead rogue ( killed by the Sea Hag ). They haven't been to the ToEE yet, so they don't have any "evil" clothes. ( didn't loot any Burning Eye cloaks either ) The only reputations they have are "Moathouse Cleaner" and "Begger Maker" ( turned in that thieving farmer - you'd think the Cuthbert crowd would appreciate that. :shrugno: ) Anyhow, the party walks into the church and find Terjon downstairs with Calmert and they immediatly attack, no dialoge. The only thing that I thought might have triggered an attack was the commanded undead the party had with them. But they've had commanded undead with them everytime they've been to the church and it hasn't been a problem. So, I'm like "Sure as long as we're doing you favors we're all friends, but as soon as I need something its : Kill the Infidels !" :chairshot It was also interesting to note that as soon as the last PC died, my NPC companions ( the widows of the dead rogue ) switched sides and leveled up ! :blink:
You get to run Rannos and Gremag out of town? I was able to expose their operation through the messenger that I caught and the spy amongst the workers building Rufus and Burne's new tower. I confronted them but they never left town and I have yet to face off with any agents other than an assassin sent by Smigmal after I killed Lareth. Is this a new modification? As for Calmert or Terjon somebody wrote that Terjon is actually evil and that he is the one that sent the assassin after Y'dey (who is in Nulb apparently watching your party and at some point considers joining you.) Not sure what is true all I get from her however is something close to "mind your business" when I try anything other than buying stuff from her. What other quests come from the church of st cuthbert? I have only recieved two one was the moathouse and the other was Emredy Meadows. Are there others? It appears I have missed much.
Re: You get to run Rannos and Gremag out of town? 1) Calmert would like you to act as his collection agent. 2) The cook in the church basement would like you to get the miller to donate some grain. 3) If you get involved with the complex set of intertwined quests to help ( almost ) everyone at the south end of town, you get to do a lot of running back and forth between Jaroo and Terjon. ( trading converts ) After reloading and trying again a couple more times, it appears my party is cursed. Everyone in Homlet is treating them like the have the Butcher of Homlet rep, but they don't.:shrug: