I acquired the game from the Internet Archive I have everything together patches and Modpack Circle of 8 Is it suppose to take 20 or more seconds to load and "initialize sector data"?
I don't know for certain, but I'd guess that that would be an original copy of the old disk versions of ToEE. A guy who made a you tube video of ToEE mentioned that he had an original copy and could not get it to run properly. So you might need to look at getting a copy from one of the online stores (GoG, etc) that is modified to work on windows10+, etc.
https://co8.org/community/threads/circle-of-eight-modpack-installation-instructions.6695/ https://co8.org/community/forums/download-central.90/
Short answer, yes. The first time you run the game after turning the PC on, I find takes a while - even having a PC several generations later than when the game was made. once you've rage-quit from rolling a dozen 1s in a row and then restarted, it will go much quicker. Long answer - did you install the mod-pack properly? Because the first time you activate the modpack through the front end can take a very long time, and I would have thought that would be your first question.