Relevant lines from ToEE3\rules\ 123 Map-9-Nulb-ext-The-Water-Hostel 5051 550 453 124 Map-9-Nulb-ext-left-The-Water-Hostel 5051 558 448 125 Map-9-Nulb-ext-Snake-Brothel 5051 555 524 126 Map-9-Nulb-ext-Mother-Screng 5051 546 558 127 Map-9-Nulb-ext-Smithy 5051 494 510 128 Map-9-Nulb-ext-right-Boatmen 5051 395 522 129 Map-9-Nulb-ext-left-Boatmen 5051 403 512 130 Map-9-Nulb-int-Boatman 5052 481 492 131 Map-9-Nulb-int-Mother-Screng 5053 484 485 132 Map-9-stairbase1-Mother-Screng 5053 485 480 133 Map-9-Nulb-stairbase2-Mother-Screng 5054 487 482 134 Map-9-Nulb-stairtop2-Mother-Screng 5054 477 482 135 Map-9-Nulb-stairtop3-Mother-Screng 5055 471 473 136 Map-9-Nulb-int-Smithy 5056 493 487 137 Map-9-Nulb-int-Snake-Brothel 5057 497 490 138 Map-9-Nulb-stairbase1-Snake-Brothel 5057 492 489 139 Map-9-Nulb-stairtop2-Snake-Brothel 5058 492 480 140 Map-9-Nulb-stairbase2-Snake-Brothel 5058 495 479 141 Map-9-Nulb-stairtop3-Snake-Brothel 5059 486 489 142 Map-9-Nulb-int-The-Water-Hostel 5060 484 500 143 Map-9-Nulb-stairbase1-The-Water-Hostel 5060 483 488 144 Map-9-Nulb-stairtop2-The-Water-Hostel 5061 474 490 Nulb exterior map: 5051 X, Y index of brothel: 555, 524 (cross index with other known locations to confirm location Brothel interior maps: 5057, 5058, 5059 for the three floors. We need to link jump point 125 (outside) to 137 (inside) and that might be all we need for the location to work. Question is where to add the link...
no entry in for that location. Testing with the inside/outside doors for the mill in hommlet, 22,map1-int22-ext-mill,5001,448,410 90,map1-int22-int-mill,5040,497,489 22,obj_t_portal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,,,,,,,1,,,,13057,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 90,obj_t_portal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90,,,,,,,1,,,,13126,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (I replaced tabs with commas so easier to see) I'm continuing to look
I think the door is the hook between the your current, and soon to be location(after passing through thedoor). So, somewhere there should be a new refernce to a map Internal Name (key)?
hell, I'm inclined to believe they're two-way The definition in jump points is where the gfx hotspot is, and when you come out it just places your chars as close to there as it can...
[edit] Maplist.mes is where the map gfx index is, but doesn't act as anything more than indexes for the doors.
I think I know where the door is supposed to be: the house just west of Otis where the guy who offers to give you Otis' secret stash location is milling in front of. Now, to replace the door so it doesn't lead to a 'generic house'...
Aww bugger.... has entries for doors etc. from 1 to 202, 203 -238 seems to be people standing locations (including 10 children) and then goes back to doors from 239 on. UNFORTUNATELY, only has entries for doors up to 111. which is a few maps before nulb starts... this seems really weird to me...
heh... I just wandered around inside the Brothel... freakin' funny The brothel is the large building in nulb, right behind Mona. I suggest tweaking Mona's dlg to include: "Don't tell me you're going IN that awful place?!" PC: "The Brothel? Why.. Yes... [grins]... yes I am." PC: "No way, ma'am!" The first PC response will include this line in the 7th field: game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5057,480,480 That'll drop the PC in the brothel. When the exit the brothel, they're standing right next to Mona.
Again, Excellent work.. You think you can get something together and send it over by this evening early tommorrow morning?
Were the NPCs and/or quests within the brothel still active? Or will they need to be hunted down and linked to it?