If I'm the subject of a blink spell, does the Blind-Fight feat help me hit things? The help file says that Blind-Fight is of no use against someone affected by blink, but did not answer my question.
No, because you are neither, invisible, blinded, nor enshrouded in darkness that obscures vision. The SRD is an invaluable resource when questioning the rules. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#blindFight http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blink.htm
Thankee, Allyx! I have checked the SRD for many things, but ToEE has had some differences compared to the SRD, such as with the mislead spell. Demons in ToEE also lack true seeing based on another's experimentation.
Well in case of any doubt in future, the SRD should also represent how TOEE should be, it is our go to reference site for any rules inconsistency problems.