There's a bunch of items scattered about after I slay (you don't eliminate, kill or murder a dragon) the black dragon. I can't pick 'em up! Is this a return of the looting bug?
I've had a problem with that also, but I saved and reloaded then when I hit the tab some of them were high lighted and I could loot them, just not all of them.
I reactivated KotB and that fixed it. Thanks guys - and thanks for this remarkable mod. I love Temple and you've managed to breathe an incredible amount of life and detail into this adventure! Having a lot of fun with it.
Oops - loaded the game before the dragon fight. It's afterwards that I can't pick the stuff up ... maybe I can find a way to do it during the fight? Or stealth it? Hmmm ...
OK, I'll take a few guns down there and murder the poor thing and see if I have any better luck picking things up. It might be the deep water or something.
Didn't I respond to this? :scratchhe: Anyways, the chest is a mob so it should be there (it's not random unlike some of the other treasure), if it's not in your game then I have to say there is a problem with your game. Otherwise, I tested picking up the other items and had no problems, until I looted the dragon, got drenched in acid and then couldn't until I went out of combat mode (as per Known Issues). Note that if you just click 'take all' on the dragon this might be the problem.