So ummmm..... yeah - I'm a little new to this. Just bought the game, was reading stuff online, found all of you crazy people (OK, maybe not "crazy") - and I'm VERY excited about playing. I downloaded ToEE patches 1, 2, and 3 - and the Co8 patch - I also downloaded Liv's Mod. I have created a few really sweet characters <hands in the air> and I wanna play!!! This brings me to my point (a long time in coming though it may be).... how do I unistall Patch 3. I know I could just reinstall the whole game, but I don't wanna lose the afforementioned sweet characters Is it a problem if I just leave the patch??? Any advice would be appreciated! ALSO - Since I haven't started yet.... should I just wait for the 2.0 version of what is apparently the best Mod ever?!?!?!? OK - I'll look forward to your grand and wise advise
I am not aware of any way to unistall patch 3. Uninstalling the game may possibly remove it as well. Uninstalling the game will leave your characters intact. To be on the safe side I then delete everything in the Atari/ToEE folder EXCEPT the Modules folder then re-install the game and all patches and mods in the recomended order. Your sweet characters will be intact.
Savin the day *hands in the air for drifter* Thanks for the info -- I'll do that. If it doesn't work ('cause yeah - its easy for me to screw stuff up, ha ha) - I'll try Cerulean's advice. But I'm hopin just reainstalling patch 2 will work. Thanks again!
If you just want to keep your characters that you made and start a new game with them, do your whole unstall think, but first, go into temple of elemental evil/modules/ToEE/players and copy your characters out to some where else eg your desktop and put them back after the new install.
Hey -- thanks! I wasn't sure which folder they were stored in. Guess i coulda done some exploring. Good Dog!