<Gaear rolls a 1 (critical miss) to domonator's, er, "devil of all rumor's" bluff attempt . . .> I'm convinced. Devil's the real-deal.
From another thread . . . Answer: ncp's are our clue as to the real identity of "devil of all rumors." Check out these two thread titles: oint: devil, you told a lie. Damn you, you heartless, conniving . . . domonater! :cry:
Something my sister told me the other day, in relation to some one being a wanker on the board she visits, is that the moderator or owner or something (I think like Sol for eg) blocked the ISP address of the computer, so that even a new email account or username won't fix the problem of being blocked.
Oh, it would be no problem to ban him. If he continues to behave like an ass, that's what's gonna happen. Isn't it rather strange that "devil of all rumours" appeared on this board a few minutes after we had ousted domonater? And that domonater's e-mail was nearly identical to the one devil is using (apart from the provider)? Some food for thought.