Hi all I just thought to make a mod, I downloaded the progs listed in "basic modding tutorial for toee" and tried to do something.. In toee world builder I found some tutorials and followed instructions contained in "module making tutorial". I did the first steps easily but I got some problems in part III 'cuz I think the object containing the script doesn't spawn!!!! >.< At the step 42 the tutorial says " [...] (consult some scripting threads at www.co8.org/forum [...] ". I'm still looking for those threads but i can't find 'em!!! >.< At the moment I only need some scripting tutorial/guide/reference.. HEELP plz ç_ç
There's not one single scripting thread alas, but for some help... There is this: www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=372 Thats the main one, has all the scripting commands u need listed. And there is this: http://rpg-rant.blogspot.com/2005/08/writing-dialogue-for-toee-part-1.html Thats my tutorial on dialogue writing which has increasingly complex scripting stuff as u go (just read through and click next at the bottom each time). The scripts are easy to pick out if you don't want to read the whole thing.
Umm? Well, there was a hint earlier. Its now up to part 7, part 8 hopefully will appear tonight or tomorrow.