always run option in toee.cfg not working!

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by hamster009, Jul 10, 2004.

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  1. hamster009

    hamster009 Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    You can go into toee.cfg and turn the always run=1 to always run=0 and your characters will walk not run all over the place when you move on he map. The strange thing is that it used to work and then all of the sudden it doesnt any more. Even a new install on another pc with no patches etc. and it doesnt work any more! VERY STRANGE.

    Oh by the way if you want to get rid of character shadows completely in the toee.cfg change the shadow type=3 or over and the shadows will vanish completely!
  2. hamster009

    hamster009 Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Just wanted to add that my Druid's summoned pet and all NPCs i have in the party are NOT auto running and walk around but my PCs are still auto running!!! What the hell is this!?
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