a couple observations in Nulb

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Steellord, Mar 7, 2008.

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  1. Steellord

    Steellord Member

    Feb 9, 2008
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    Okay after the reinstall I'm now able to get to Nulb without that pesky CTD. While in Nulb I noticed a couple funny things.

    Dimension doors to the Brothel in various places.

    I would be walknig the boardwalk and suddenly find my party in the Brothel. It happened once in the area of Ah Fong's shop, once around the intersecting area to Otis smithy, and once on my way to the Hostel section on boardwalk. quite funny but seriously can't they get customers withuot resorting to teleporting them in?. :)

    Pirate guards that can walk on water.

    I was talking to Mona and one of the roving sentries came by walked to the end of the walk turned around and walked back but instead of following the path he walked across the water and out of frame. I thought my cleric was going to go running after him proclaiming a miracle or something, personally I figure the guard was wearing boots of water-walking. Then it happened again while talking with Grud about the fishing quest. screenshot available on request. :mrhappy:

    Just thought I'd share these funny incidents for others amusement.
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