What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Ranth, May 2, 2010.

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What type of new content would you like to see?

  1. Low Level (1-4)

    3 vote(s)
  2. Middle Levels (5-9)

    10 vote(s)
  3. High Levels (10-14)

    12 vote(s)
  4. Insanly Hard Content (15+)

    31 vote(s)
  5. Small Additions: Such as Lareth running into the barracks to join the fight, ect.

    20 vote(s)
  1. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    High level content. I can get to 12th level with a 5 person party easily with the current content, level appropriate content for such a group would be great.

    It's only so much fun when you have so many toys and using them would be overkill. :(
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Rather than introducing new content, it might be easier to remove crafting. :chick:
  3. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I personally was referring to equipment/abilities/spells you accumulate just by playing the game. :p

    As of my last play-through, I've given up crafting and it is very freeing. :yes:

    But yes, I think removing it as an option would be healthier on the whole for the integrity of the game.
  4. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I concur. Remove crafting completely from the game and give all enemies like 10 or 12 levels of the class most suited to them. Balor should be a 20th level fighter/cleric/sorcerer/monk/anti-paladin. All the orcs in Hickory Branch? 12th level barabarians, except the commander who is a 15th level barbarian. And have three 15th level rogues waiting inside the cave entrance to catch the party flat-footed and show them humans how orcs do it from behind. :yes:
  5. Spider Dwarf

    Spider Dwarf Spider

    Apr 15, 2010
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    In my personal life, the Real World, I am just as taciturn as the dwarf I always play. To that end I recall seeing that Ranth had developed an extremely high-level end to the game involving an underground dwarven area. The movie I saw on You Tube involved a cavern system below Hommlet occupied by dwarves.

    Not wishing to be self-serving, but at the same time wanting to see new content, how about a whole new game built around some of the dwarven Under the Mountain type game modules.

    Not that I am not enjoying the game play! Without the contributions made over the years the vanilla game would have died the death of the damned. But it would be interesting to start a whole new module. The modders could start much as Keep on the Borderland has done. Take and create a central region, or several tied together similar to Hommlet and Nulb, and build off of them. But using a different module from yore.

    I will help in any way that I can.
  6. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I think a cool addition would be something along the lines of the house you can buy in Nulb, but as a separate area. Maybe at the resolution of the Hickory Branch, or Moathouse Respawn quest, the cleared area becomes "owned" and managed by your party. similar to how most 9th level characters can become lords of a castle, etc. YOU move into the Moathouse, and clean it up.

    That area could become a stronghold, and NPC characters you don't take with you could wait there...

    Some land management tasks/ mini-quests (to earn/ create gold or items) could take place, and and maybe even you would get attacked by a faction from the Temple or Verbobonc depending on your alignment...

    Probably not within the bounds of the TOEE scripting engine, though ...???
    Last edited: May 11, 2010
  7. Kneller1

    Kneller1 Established Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    War of the Golden Skull; by Ranth.
    It happens, and you become lord of hommlet
  8. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    DUDE! Thanks! I will definitely have to try 5.5 with that mod added, or wait til the next release (5.9) in august which is supposed to have it added in... THAT was exactly what i was talking about.

  9. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    I disagree with lowering experience values. It doesn't create difficulty, it creates fake difficulty, of the grind variety.
    Besides which, lowering experience value isn't very effective, you fall a level or two behind and then you get bonus XP for being lower level, so it kinda works out.

    If new content makes some end game too easy, then that specific end game needs beefing up. Or leave it as is, as a reward for the completionist (you have acquired the infinity +1 sword of awesomeness... you have slaughtered all enemies and are swimming in loot. You are very high level... you kick ass, and you are going to curb stomp those so called "bosses").
  10. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Well, NC is unbalanced. There's a warning on the download page iirc. It's not supposed to be as of yet, if ever, it's just addons for people bored with original content. For concerns of balance, there's the regular modpack.

    If you want better balance AND play new content, skip some of the original content.
  11. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    that is also a fine solution. further reducing XP from everything in the game isn't a good solution though.
  12. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I like the variable nature and challenge of encounters. It makes sense to me that you would have low level and high level brutes in the same war party - that is how armies are. Certain units are more skilled, but you are ALWAYS going to have the wusses and cannon fodder troops, as well as the crack soldiers, and elite troops. the Temple should be no different. and it isn't! It's kind of cool to crush an "easy" group, get a false sense of security only to run into the REAL forces. You should have been scouting ahead!!! Or to fight a bunch of weak goblin foot soldiers, when a huge Ogre suddenly comes roaring into the fray. frankly, some of these raging enemies could be made more brutal, and it would be cool if that Ogre would use AOO even against his own troops! Truly raging...

    I am playing now with a party that has just hit level 12, and i am only a 1/3 through the Temple. early on, i consoled in some experience, since it seems to stagnate how quickly you grow your party once you hit a certain level. Hickory Branch was great, Moathouse Respawn was great, and the Welkwood Bog was an interesting experience. of the vanilla content, Imryds Run is always a crazy challenge because of the Sea Hag (and so were those BODAKS!!! from the respawn) I gave them a level around 5, and again around 9 ... i just wanted to round things out since the EXP gain seemed to have really slowed down. Just my opinion, i know.

    Having the new quest options just gives other ways to approach things. makes it a "fuller" world. It's great, and i welcome any new additions to the TOEE experience. It's all kinda optional. Your heroes don't "have" to do every quest available! You choose your path... and consequences ... it's realistic. LIFE is not balanced.

    Think of it - you're a team of up to 8 people assaulting a structure containing hundreds of troops ... your heroes better be prepared!!!

    I enabled the option, "give NPC max HP for Hit Dice" and i feel that this makes combat alot more difficult. It makes sense to me to have an Orc or Bugbear Champion or leader have over 150 HP, and more when he is raging! right next to him is the measly archer with 20 or less HP. To some, this would be unbalanced, but i think it is accurate of how an organized (or LOL disorganized as much of the Temple forces are) military force would be like. They can't ALL be huge brutes, or our heroes would have no chance. :dead: It should be challenging, but not insane all the time. You want to feel like they ARE heroes, after all.

    Also, to balance my current higher level party of heroes and the Max HP option set, i make sure i keep resting to a realistic viewpoint as well. I only rest minimally, and try to go as far as i can with the current resources, before retreating from the Temple. If i must rest in the Temple, i only do so in a place that has doors that could be closed, to simulate a logical place for the heroes to "hole up in"...

    Adding new and tougher fights would always be welcome, but i hate the "grinding" that is associated with trying to farm EXP to a new level or for crafting ... so please don't limit the EXP gain any further. Thanks!

    Has it ever been attempted to make the Temple reactive in some measures, where some of the elite troops increase their Hit Die to match current parties, while the basic troops cower and shake? They have to be earning their own fighting experience, hearing about being invaded by the heroes time and again ... and all the Temple infighting going on...

    anybody else have any thoughts?
    Last edited: May 17, 2010
  13. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I personally would like to fight "a green dragon in the Kron Hills, what an Adventure!" like Burne and Co.

    Maybe ... he did not defeat the beast AFTER ALL!!! :paranoid: and it COMES BACK for our heroes to deal with.

    Really, i would just like to fight more dragons. I heard one is in the Fire Node somewhere on this site ... But one is not enough!!!

    It IS Dungeons & DRAGONS after all!!! My half-elf ranger Aerich DragonsBane is looking for a challenge to face.
  14. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    Ain't no dragons anywhere in the game as of right now. There's one in Verbobonc though, an adult.

    We need a red great wyrm that does like 25d10 with his breath. And he's a 25th level sorcerer.
  15. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    thanks for the heads up. Damn, i was looking forward to fighting at least ONE. Dragons are always a TOUGH encounter. Ha ha so i guess I am really roleplaying - taking that class feature to fight NOTHING. :no:

    i guess that was a rumor. I forget where i saw it... Anyway, wonder what one is doing in Verbobonc? hmmm... :flamed: Good or Evil aligned???

    or is that just a NEW rumor LOL
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