Hey all, I started a new game of ToEE, made what I thought was teh perfect group and starting tearing through stuff. Sadly, I remembered one oddity of 3.5 rules, that being when you leave the monk class you cant get back into it later. Hence, my monk/fighter is completely borked as I can't get back into monk now that I've left it and done some fighter levels. So.....I've decided to create a straight class monk as a replacement but...I don't want him to start with 0 xp. I'd like to catch him up to what my other guys are at. Does anyone know of an editor or trainer that mods xp? I've been out to Sorceror's Place but that editor mostly just does stats, skills and feats. Thanks!
Agreed, it is in the console command thread, but if you can't find it, here is a quick way: Where I have "x" in the console command, substitute the number of your Party Member that is the Monk. The FIRST PARTY MEMEBER in line is ACTUALLY 0 then Second is 1, etc... To open the console, hit the Shift and Tidle key together -- the Tidle key is the one that looks like this ~ You may have to do this twice, because the first time simply "selects the whole party" if you hadn't already had them on "group move" When you are done with the command console hit the Shift Tidle again to close the console. When it is open, type this EXACTLY: game.party[x].stat_base_set(stat_experience,10,000) That will set the party member you have selected to 10,000 xp, the base for 5th level.
Ahh GA- you got me! I am not sure! I THOUGHT I used that comma with no difficulty, but it may, indeed, cause problems- I would have to say DROP THE COMMA in 10,000 I didn't edit that post so as to show waht these two are about! Thanks GA!
I have an eye for things like that because large amounts of work at the University get derailed because of asinine syntax requirements. Some human (me, Tues 3-8pm) has to go through and smooth things out. Rigor and precision do not mix well with over-caffeinated sleep-deprived human beings. It's hard for me to even go back and look at my spelling when I type this.
Pleae do NOT go through my old posts, you WILL find spelling and syntax errors. I, mosttimes, try to read it before or after posting, but then I'll go look at something I wrote, like two years ago, and wonder, Why didn't I catch THAT?! LOL
Thanks for the replies you guys. Shortly after I posted I realized the console cheats were the way to go. Now my group is happily on their way with a single class monk of equal xp!
Glad to hear it, but , for the record, they are Console COMMANDS, as we don't "cheat" I usually use them to correct errors in the game or in stupid gameplay on my behalf, but not to actually cheat. I even use them to LOWER some stats in the begining to make a character more to my taste.