New Feats for the ToEE Engine

Discussion in 'ToEE Toolset Project Documentation' started by Shiningted, Dec 23, 2007.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sir, I like the way you think.
  2. Zephyr8965

    Zephyr8965 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Hahaha. Well, thank you.

    I was just thinking, you know, ToEE is an awesome game, but there's not much to do in the game besides making yourself stronger and pummeling monsters and such. Providing some other areas of interest in the game, at least in my opinion, would move it from insanely awesome to godlike.

    Hell, if I had my way, ToEE would be like a cross between Baldur's Gate and The Sims, but that might be taking it a bit too far for some people's interest. XD

    Anyway, I guess this conversation is moving a bit away from feats, so to connect the current subject back to the one the thread is primarily about, here's some feat ideas:

    Expert Woodcutter: +2 to woodcutter profession, increases the quality of wood acquired. Mastercraft items made from this wood cost 25% less.

    Expert Hunter: +2 to hunter profession, increased quality of goods acquired through hunting; +25% sell prices of said goods. (was thinking the use of hunting could perhaps work like survival on the world map, except prey will escape you if your check fails instead of enemies attacking you; possibly overlapping with the survival skill, however, hunting could be used when acquiring valuable bits from the prey, such as fur, getting better quality meat, fangs, etc)

    Expert Gemcutter: +2 to gemcutter profession, increased quality of gems. Higher quality gems sell for 25% more, and wonderous items crafted with higher quality gems cost 25% less to craft.

    Anyway, you get the idea I'm going for with these feats. An idea for avoiding cluttering up the feats list with a feat for every profession might be to simply make a repeatable feat called 'profession mastery' and each time you take it, you get a profession mastery point which you can spend to gain mastery over a particular profession in the same dialog in which you spend your profession points. This way, if you do come up with a massive number of professions in the game, the feats for them won't clutter up the list.

    Also, this is a little off-topic, but it's a simple question and I'm already talking to you here. I was just wondering if it's possible to add more classes/races to ToEE, possibly even prestige classes and races with level adjustment.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    NOt really, for reasons you will find if you search: its been tried, and at least one modder went mad and fled trying to get a prestige calss going, but to no avail.

    Re the Professions: we could do the Skill Focus (Profession) feat tomorrow, its just waiting to appear :) The 'problem' is making any given skill worth pursuing: there has to be lots added to the game to make burning the skill points / feats worth it.

    EDIT: Btw, something similar to at least some of what you are suggesting will appear in KotB.
  4. Zephyr8965

    Zephyr8965 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Lol, well, one of these days when I have the time to burn, I'll plow through all those tutorials of yours and begin trying to get more classes/races created. I probably won't succeed in prestige/level adjustments, but I am determined to see more classes/races in ToEE, even if I have to scrap the entire class system and rebuild it through...less pretty means.

    Hm...wait a sec...there's flags that disable leveling in a certain class. Monk and Paladin have flags that prevent you from leveling in them if you level in other classes, don't they? Hm...I'm gonna have to make use of that search feature to find out what all's been tried. Then again, I suppose dll hacking might be necessary for this particular endeavor, and I have absolutely no experience in dealing with hex editing...

    It's just too bad ToEE has no multiplayer. I suppose it'd be hard to come up with a fun multiplayer system for it, and even harder to implement it, but if it were possible, that'd probably increase the interest in it tenfold.

    EDIT: Hm...just realized that, if I can create new classes at all, I -can- do level adjustment. Just have to create a dummy class with no bonuses, then have a script add levels of that class to the character based on their race.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  5. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Re: Professions

    Hi Folks
    Forgive me for restarting an old subject, but here are my thoughts on the idea of PCs having professions (Teamster, Hunter, etc....)
    1.) In my opinion, if a character is going to have a profession, it should be determined during character creation. Once your character has been created, you can't add a profession because your profession is now "Adventurer". Every class requires a certain amount of constant practice and self-training every day to keep your skills sharp, so your PCs aren't going to have time to learn a new "profession" while keeping their class skills sharp.
    2.) I don't think it is reasonable to assume that there is only one profession suitable for a given class of character. With the possible exception of Barbarian, I can think of a variety of different professions that could be suitable for the different classes. Here are some examples:

    Fighter: Bounty Hunter ( +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive ), Blacksmith (Convert rusty weapons to regular weapons), Animal Trainer (usefull in KoTB, hopefully useful in ToEE REAL SOON [HINT,HINT TED:poke:]), Bodyguard ( +2 Spot, +2 Listen )
    Ranger: Scout (+2 Survive), Hunter/Trapper (+2 to Skin Animal checks in KoTB),
    Monk: Herbalist (+2 Heal [Herbs are used in healing]), Scribe (+2 Use Magic Item: Scrolls)
    Paladin: Diplomat (+2 Diplomacy), Watch Officer (+2 Sense Motive)

    These are just a few examples, but keep in mind that in a PnP game, it wouldn't be very hard at all to come up with a Ranger who had a slight skill in "Sleight of Hand". Said Ranger might have been an orphan who grew up in the city and had to "leave town in a hurry" when certain people noticed things missing from their pockets. Said orphan hid in the woods outside town, made friends with the local woodcutters, maybe helped with a few "FedEx quests" and was taken in a trained by the local ranger (once he had matured a few years of course).

    The Royal Canadian
  6. Zephyr8965

    Zephyr8965 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Well, it would make plenty sense for a ranger to have sleight of hand. Perhaps he wanders the roads in the wilderness, robbing travelers. Not to mention, there's technically other uses for sleight of hand in the d20 system, such as making an item in your hands 'disappear' or even planting items on people. Anything that requires skillful hand-eye coordination to do something without detection with your hands basically falls under sleight of hand.

    Hell, I still remember having a character that delighted in creating 'time bombs' by taking alchemists fire and using some form of acid to slowly melt through the bottle, then plant said bottle in someone's pocket as they pass by. Few minutes later, FWOOSH! they're in flames and they have no idea why.

    It was quite some time ago, so I don't remember the details of it, but it was fun as hell. (ranger halflings ftw! then again, I think it was a ranger/bard halfling, but my point still stands)

    As for not allowing professions to be taken after character creation, I would disagree with that. Like you said, honing your skills as an adventurer requires a great deal of focus, but the thing is, while you're performing your profession, you're not gaining class levels, so you're not honing your adventurer skills at that point. It would make sense that an adventurer simply grows weary of a life of slaughtering evil creatures and decides to settle down and take on a more mundane life, if even for a short time.

    Besides, some of the professions actually would hone your skills as an adventurer, such as hunting, scouting, guarding, alchemy, etc.
  7. Majin

    Majin Member

    Mar 13, 2010
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    Hi first post here but i was reading the forums while downloading modpacks and wanted to give my 2 cents. Quite tired atm (it's 3am here) and i haven't read the whole post, but here some things i wanted to share:

    1. There is actually a feat that lowers the penality of TWF with 2 one handed weapons, it's called Oversized Two Weapon Fighting and it's on Complete Adventurer (you take penalities as you were using two light weapons, though they are still considered 1 handed). It Has no effect on light weapons

    2. Goliaths powerful build and Monkey grip don't stack. There's an official FAQ about that

    3. I would love to see the Sudden Extend/Maximize/Quicken/Silent/Still etc... Metamagic feats (from Complete Arcane). Once a day you can cast a spell applying the metamagic feat without having to memorize a spell as a higher level spell (Sudden Quicken has prerequisites though) or using an higher level spell slot

    4. Also another nice feat is Divine Metamagic which lets you spend Turn Undead attempts to apply metamagic feats to spells (there are limitations on this OFC but it's all written on the complete Divine manual, for example you need to have both the metamagic feat and the specific metamagic feat. For example if i want to use divine metamagic (Quicken Spell) i need to get both the Quicken Spell feat and the Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) feat) but i think this is impossible to implement with the current limitations to the changes you can make on the system :(
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  8. DarkStar70

    DarkStar70 Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    Have you considered adding Uncanny Dodge with the same statistic the Dodge feat when building feat pre-requisites . In TOEE if you have a feat pre-request of Dodge and your character has Uncanny Dodge, it doesn't qualify which makes no sense to me
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No. No I haven't.

    Are you familiar with Temple+? I believe they have added any number of feats I have never even heard of and do them properly with prerequisistes and all.
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