Would it be possible to produce text either with the cursor (like the "X/XX" text for multi-target spells) or as floater text on the target giving the reason the target can't be selected (no LoS, improper target type for the spell, out of range, etc)? Disclaimer: This is not in any way a request. I imagine it would be prohibitively impractical, if at all possible, and the benefits would be almost non-existant (>95% of the time it's an LoS issue). I'm just curious. :grin:
No, I don't believe so: the game has various internal flags in the data/rules/spells/spell###.txt that it checks: 'include self, include dead, include others' etc and makes the decision based on those. If it already concluded you can't select a target, then by definition you can't select it to have the script decide whether or not you can select it, or do something to show you can't if you can't. Makes sense, right? By the way, check the Acid Splash script (py00555 - Acid Splash.py, for memory). You were right about Cold damage on a critical: good pickup :thumbsup:
So no floaters on hover, I take it. What about the other part, fiddling with how it produces the "X/Y" with your cursor, like for Magic Missile? Messing with that would probably involve poking around in the dlls, I imagine... Thanks, but it's just dumb luck that I caught that. Just don't expect me to test crits on every damage spell. :twitch: Incidentally, I don't see that file in my data\scr\ folder. For that matter, I don't see anything relating to Acid Splash anywhere in my TOEE directory tree. Is that one I'll have to extract from the TOEE#.dats to look at?
Yeah, I think it is. Always check ToEE4.dat first, that contains the patches, then if you can't find what you want there, check 1-3 (and ToEE.dat contains what is found in the modules folder).
Yep, found "Spell555 - Acid Splash.py" in TOEE4.dat. I guess some coder didn't get enough caffeine that night. :roll: