Hey all, I have been looking around and haven't found a thing on this. Anyone know how this skill works? Thanks! ~Update~ I found an older posting on the Atari website from the developers that reads something akin to the following, "Bardic Knowledge is implemented in conjunction to hearing rumors and certain select dialog chains."
Supposedly there are some opportunities to apply bardic knowledge if your bard's level + intelligence modifier + d20 is high enough. I have only found one place in the game where that seems to happen -- when the party meets thrommel and otis and elmo are not around and the pc talking to him is a bard your bard may recognize him. has anyone found any other instances of this?
By looking in the code, I can see references to thrommel (as mentioned), a turnkey (torturer), hedrak, and the aforementioned rumor_control. No d20 calculations are performed, however. Having even one level of bard is all it takes to trigger. -- dulcaoin
Cool! I will have to try talking to hedrak and the turnkey with a bard at some point ... I wonder how the rumor_control works.
Well, it looks somewhat complicated (all adjusted by what stage of the game you're at and whatnot), but when a determination is made as to which rumor of a group to be presented (how specific the rumors are, I suppose), the first thing that's done is to calculate a skill modifier. That's made up of how many levels of the Gather Information skill you have, added to your level of Bard. The higher the modifier, the more "accurate" a rumor you're going to get. All from what I can see with a cursory look... -- dulcaoin
I always thought the rumours kinda pointless, 90% of the time there were no new rumours, and the rest of the time, they didn't tell me anything i didn't already know anyway, I can't remember offhand what my bards gather info is, but my wizard has max (cross class) ranks in it at level 8.
Hi, thet's my first post in this Forum... 1st of all ... well guys you're great! 2nd... if i do remember correctly, bardic knowledge is used in D&D to identify (or understending the usage of) uniqe or rare magic and powerfull items... isn't it possible to add this feature to the skill...? I mean how to make a bard know the neme and the usage of the uneque items of the game exp the orb of death, sketter... or some items with a particular apperence (all things that should be easier to recognize or link to a specific song or epic) such as the "Troll belth or Lareht's staff of strike or... " ? is it possible? would it be a nice add? tks