No, there are no way. Ya waste a feat.... That is Swallow. Only certain monsters (well, certain frog monster, actualy...) in the game have that. It's not for player characters. EMIRKOL THE CHAOTIC have described the Survival skill, realy. Track poits ya the nearby monster that shall be tracked. But the game consider NPCs in ya party as "trackable monsters" for this porpouse, so, ya will take then when uses the Feat with any NPC in yer party. Otherwise, the feat will sow ya the nearest monster in the map. Appraise lows the prices of absolutly all things ya shall buy from vendors, and raise the price of all ya sell from then. Very useful! Edit: opps, EMIRKOL have answer this one before! Well, we say the same, but him with a clear skill in this language! I have used a pair os skill points in this language, so mine is not so good! I alwais keep one in the backpack of a rogue, or, if I have no one in the party, in the backpack of the fighter. As ya say, ropes are usefull - the fact that the game don't give ya any use for it is another point! As Gaear says one time, boots have no use in the game but visual, but ya uses then in any char... Bout the paladin's mount, I WISHES to have the option to summon a animal companion, to simulate the Paladins mount in the 5ยบ level. There are not, actually, this option in the game. Sorry, english is yet a very strange language for me...
Almost? Gentlemen, and My Lady, we'll just have to try harder. After all, how many other forums do you know of where you can get the Son of God to piss his pants?
Ahhhh. It is well known on this forum that I believe in promises, no? Which is why I make so few of them and those I do make...have to be earned. :eyebrow:
Yes, Virginia, there really are ladies on the RPG forum. OK, bad use of a classic news headline from decades ago, but still funny IMHO. The main lady, The Most Glorious and Majestic Scryler, holds top honour among us uncouth barabrians here. We are quite fond of our fair Queen! We even have a young upstart, Whatsername74, who's recently returned to the fold.
Put that way, it does sound rather like a mercenary transaction. I was thinking more of balance. I suppose it depends on the nature of the promise. And the spirit in which it is given.
Scryler -> balance -> druid -> Melany -> raging Orion female. I think I'm starting to get it, GA82. :transform
You experience only one aspect of something at a time. Duality, as in ying-yang, for example. For Druids, there is a tendency for threes: like The Morrigan, the triune goddess. Or the circle of life: (re)birth, life, death.