D&D Rules in ToEE

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Messiah, May 20, 2009.

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  1. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I'm using the Co8 Modpack, TFE-X and everything, and after so many bugs I always get myself thinking if something I'm planning to do won't go wrong.

    I have a rogue in my party who I want to multiclass as a barbarian. In pen-and-paper D&D, when someone does that and gets the Evasion class hability the second time, instead he automatically gets the Improved Evasion. Does that happen in the game?

    Also, do dwarves treat the Dwarven Waraxe as a common weapon?

    And about the giant, if I give him a polearm and a medium weapon, will the second weapon have long reach anyway (the extra long reach because of the weapon, not the reach he already has as a giant)?

    Any pen-and-paper D&D rules that don't work the same way in the game that I should be aware of?
  2. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    PS: Can I sneak attack using weapons that a rogue normally can't (like, let's say, a greataxe)?
  3. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Bou evasion, no idea, realy... I have done this combination just onve, and with a Barbarian 1 (for the extra move, hit points and weapom proficiences)/rogue X.

    Aye, dwarves treat the Dwarven WarAx as a common weapon. Every dwarf shoud carry at least one in the backpack, its what I say!

    bout the giant I believe that this is being discussed in other thread, where someone says that yes, but I've never the chance to confirm, becose I don't have used the thing in a group more than a couple of times, for a short time in both.

    Yes, ya shall use any weapon to deal sneak attacks. Or so I believe... I have used rogues for sometime, and my favorite option is a pole weapon, like the amazing long spear, to do lots of atacks of oportunity and some sneak atacks! But not just with common weapons (as the long spear), martial pole weapons, at least, works too (my half-orc barbarian 1/rogue x useas a glaive, in the moment, and deal sneak attacks with it), till I know.

    I believe that all combat rules of the pen & paper version of D&D 3.5 are present in the game, without much modifications. There are no disarming or sunder rules, nor grapple at all and no shield shall be used for atacks.

    Some off-combat rule changes icludes: Paladins don't receives a mount in 5º level (becose there are no mount at all in the game; I believe that the paladin shall receive some kind of celestial animal companion in place of the mount, but they are realy powerful without this...), there are no aereal animal companions at all, Appraise is a wonderfull skill, there are no knowledge, profession or craft skills at all, Track works in a strange way, Read Magic shall be used in scrolls and potions, cleave and great cleave dont alow ya to have a 5 foot step between attacks, magic missil shall be used in targets distant more than 15 feet each other.

    'Bout equipment, keep this in mind: All arcane casters shall use a elven shield. All of them! Tower shields offer a bonus to CA instead of cover (very well done, in my point of view!), Great cleavers are the best one-handed weapon in the game, bags and ropes have no use in the game (except for RP)

    Stange things includes: Garl Glitergold have Travel as a Domain, in place of Trickery, The Knowledge Domain have no Domain Power (well, it have, just without any use...), Sorcerers haven't Intimidation as Class Skill, Iuz avatar uses a two-handed sword instead of an dagger...
  4. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Could anyone please answer me about the Evasion feat?

    Thanks a lot, Avatar do Grafite.

    So if dwarves treat the Dwarven Waraxe as a common weapon, I have wasted one feat! In the first level, I gave him the Use Exotic Weapon feat for the axe! Since it showed in the panel, I thought he didn't have it already! Is there a way I can remove this feat from him and replace it with another?

    There is SOME grapple in the game. Those giant frogs in the moathouse do grapple using their tongues.

    How does Track work?

    I don't have much Appraise skill. Didn't think it would be useful, so had only my fighter spend some points in it, even being a cross-class skill (I didn't want him to have Intimidate anyway, so I had all his points spent in other stuff).

    Ropes have no use? Shit, I bought one. In pen-and-paper games I always keep one at hand. They always have some use. Should I sell it immediately then?

    I was thinking about making my char a half barbarian, half rogue. I didn't really want a rogue in the team anyway, just got one because of traps and unlocking chests. I have only four characters in the party: Dwarf fighter, female elf wizard, female elf cleric - with Corellon Larethian as her god, Protection and War domains and therefore focus in longsword - and half-elf Rogue/barbarian. Since I have only one fighter, both cleric and rogue are very important to me in battles, and I wanted both of them to have a good melee attack. So I wanted to give my rogue/barb a greataxe and a longbow and put him to fight on the front until he gets too weak, then pull him back and attack with the longbow.

    Looks like you really value RP, Avatar do Grafite. I do aswell. None of my chars have a low wisdom nor a low inteligence. My party is chaotic good, two elves and one half-elf. The dwarf is chaotic neutral (so I imagined him having problems with the other dwarves and leaving them, and that's when he got in touch with elves, so that's why he travels with them. So that explains why they get the chaotic good vignette (the one where an elf leader asks them to look for missing elves).
    All of them have longbow as distance weapons, and two of them use the longsword (I was thinking about giving one to my rogue/barb aswell, but I wouldn't like to take the shield penalty to his skills and I think a barbarian should have a weapon that deals some more massive damage).
  5. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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  6. oudeis

    oudeis Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    Really? I don't remember ever seeing an option to summon one.
  7. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    So what's the use of Survival if you don't have the Track feat?
    Everything you said about tracking is in the survival skill definition itself.

    And about paladins summoning stuff, Avatar do Grafite said he BELIEVED so. So maybe he was wrong.
  8. oudeis

    oudeis Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    High survival skill can turn a random surprise encounter into an engagement you can choose to avoid if you want. If your level is greater than the Challenge Rating of the encounter you will be given a dialogue box that allows you to skip the fight. That's why I have mine high enough to avoid low-level (i.e., low-xp) encounters but low enough to leave some unpredictability in the game.
  9. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Does Survival prevent you from being diseased from resting on unproper places?
  10. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Messiah, you are confusing Evasion with Uncanny Dodge. I believe they do stack in ToEE (the manual says they do).

    Evasion does not stack for those contemplating Monk/Rogues as per RAW.
  11. Messiah

    Messiah Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Oh, yeah, that's right!
    I confused them...

    So, do Uncanny Dodges from barb and rogue automatically give me a better uncanny dodge, or will I just waste the second one?
  12. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Uncanny Dodge + Uncanny Dodge = Improved Uncanny Dodge

    Evasion + Evasion = Evasion
  13. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Sorry about that. There's an excellent chance I was confused when I posted that last night. As I had posted in another thread, the unexcusable thing is that I had my ToEE manual less than 10 eet away from me. :doh:
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    To use Track (which is based on the Survival skill of course) select it in the radial menu. It will tell you what is nearby and in what direction, where the radius expands as your survival skill goes up.
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It's excellent for locating NPCs in your party!
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