really stupid questions

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by thisdude, Nov 21, 2007.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Its anything that keeps causing damage, that makes Fragarach react, that makes the critter cause damage, that make Fragarach react, that makes the critter cause damage....

    Sorta if 2 chaotic folk weilding Fragarach and Scather had a duel - it would only be one round long ;)
  2. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    1. 1d10 or 2d4 ???

    1d10 = This has no curve. Each number in the range of numbers have the same chance. Each number has a 10 percent chance to be rolled. The theoretical average of rolls of 1d10 equals 5.5.

    2d4 = This has a bell curve. The numbers in the middle of the range of numbers have more chances. Each number has a different percent chance to be rolled. The theoretical average of rolls of 2d4 equals 5.0.
    2 = 1/16
    3 = 2/16
    4 = 3/16
    5 = 4/16
    6 = 3/16
    7 = 2/16
    8 = 1/16

    Rolling a 2d4 has certain advantages. For example, if a creature has 1 HP remaining and a character is using a 2d4 damage weapon and hits the creature, the creature dies - does not go to zero and becomes disabled and can swing one more time before dieing.

    Rolling a 1d10 has certain advantages. For example, if a creature has 9 HP remaining and a character is using a 1d10 damage weapon and hits the creature, the creature has a 20 percent chance that it will die.

    I would recommend 1d10 as the choice of preference.


    2. It is better to have high dexerity and that dexterity bonus at lower levels. Armor with better numbers costs a lot of cash.


    5. personal preference
    - for skills, Rogue
    - for more HPs, Fighter
    - for 2 feats, Fighter


    6. Avoid using Fragarach and Scather against fire creatures.
  3. TonkaElk

    TonkaElk Gear Jammer

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Here is my addition to the "really stupid questions" thread,

    Just what is a "humble NPC"? From reading some of the other threads I assume it has something to do with thier pesky looting and holding loot until all I hear is "My pack is full" or "I am overburdened". When I was playing the un-patched, un-modded version I noticed that some really cool stuff vanished into the NPC's inventory never to be seen again, unless I asked them to leave and had them aggro on me. I killed them and looted thier stuff. Seems to be a rather clunky and faction destroying way to do this.

    Thanx Qwinn. Being new to this forum, I have a question...Is there a "special" forum to discuss gameplay? If not, then could one be created?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2008
  4. Qwinn

    Qwinn Established Member

    May 23, 2004
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    Yes, the purpose of Humble NPC is to deal with that issue (the NPC's won't loot at all, in fact). For most intents and purposes, the mod makes the NPC's behave just like PC's, except that you won't be able to really see what their stats are except by deduction at levelups.

    Personally, I don't really feel it's a cheat, by the end of the game my NPC's are just as well outfitted as my PC's, and they easily get the "1 full share of the loot" they're due, just in a more organized and logical way.

    As to the Scather/Fragarach vs. damage shield issue, I can totally understand why it starts, I just wonder why it doesn't -stop- when one of the two dies, that should only take a couple iterations, heh. I guess it's just not applying the damage until it's finished (which is never). If I were the ubermodder that could do it, I think that's how I'd try to approach it... don't do retaliatory strikes until the previous damage is applied, and no more retaliation when the critter in question is dead. But who knows, that could create all sorts of other issues I can't even imagine, I suppose.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2008
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I've found that if you are careful you can still use Scather etc as long as you know it WILL be a killing blow. Elmo with Scather / maxed power attack etc will deliver over 100hps damage in a go to the Balor, and if this is enough to kill it (if it is already in the red) you can get away with it. I don't recommend this, but it works for me.
  6. TonkaElk

    TonkaElk Gear Jammer

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Since it seems no-one read my reply in edit there it is. Anyone have an answer?
  7. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Hum, nope, no specifical forum i think, but there's an interesting old thread that can be resurrected ;)

    ---gameplay thread---

    In any case, feel free to start a new thread in the General discussion Forum :)
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    There used to be a special forum to discuss gameplay. It was called the 'Atari Forum'. I think the company went under or something.
  9. rbc

    rbc Shoggoth

    Aug 3, 2007
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    The workaround is simple, and long-known. See the "Common Issues and Solutions" sticky thread, post entitled "#10. The Answering Swords Bug":

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