ToEE on Windows Vista: Discussion

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by TitusCrow, Mar 7, 2007.

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  1. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    That's odd Krunch about Vista but thanks for flagging that up about Bink and Vista.


    re. Toffee or the Front-end - you should have it already installed providing that you have not changed anything on the installation instructions for Co8 5.0.0 as instructed in step 5 :)
  2. TonkaElk

    TonkaElk Gear Jammer

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Hello all from Fargo, ND. :wavey:

    Before I get to the main reason for this post I'd like to say something. :blahblah:

    Thank you to all the code crunchers on this site, especially krunch, Zeb and Half Knight for their personal help. I can't forget Morpheus and Agetian for their posts. And all the others that have worked the buggies outta putting ToEE on Vista. You people :rock:

    Ok, on the important stuff. Here is a step by step discription of how I got MY ToEE to load and perform at maximum settings. First my machine:

    HP dv 9600 series w/17" 1024x768 screen
    1.5 gig Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 120 gig Fujitsu hard drives (NTFS)
    2 gig DIMM RAM
    nVidia GeForce 8600M GS display adapter (with current updates installed)
    HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T20L ATA Device (w/ writable DVDCD- ROM)
    O/S: Windows Vista Home Premium 6000 w/all updates installed and running nominally

    1) I un-installed ToEE

    2) Performed cleaning procedure outlined by krunch (Note: some folders and files were either inaccessible or did not exist. No matter in the end.This step could possibly be skipped. I dunno.)

    3) De-fragged hard drives.

    4) Installed Bink video (Note: this is an un-avoidable installation, if ya ain't got it, GET IT)

    5) Installed ToEE as per Zeb's instuctions (Question: How do you know if you have the install disk with the patch 3 already on it?)

    6) Attempted to launch the game. No joy. Went thru first three splash screens (Atari, can't remember second, then WotCoast then game went back to desktop.

    7) Thumped me self on me knoggin cuz I forgot no- cd crack :imwithstu

    8) Installed no- cd crack program as per Zeb's instructions

    9) Attempted to run game. Again, 3 splash then desk-top.

    10)Opened C:/Program Files/Atari/ToEE and clicked on a .bik file it ran fine.

    11)Tried game again. Again, no luck
    I tried to install patch 2 but got a window that said original file not found, I clicked "ok" and it installed some more files then closed. I tried ToEE again and it still didn't run. So, here is step 12

    12)Installed patch 1, then patch 2. (Co8 5.0 and frontend still waiting in the wings)

    13) Launched game :dance: It WORKED!!!! Hosana's and great thanx fell from my smiling lips.
    Game ran fine. I took it to the pre-gen charactor screen then closed the game.

    14) Installed Co8 5.0 as per intructions. I changed nothing. Left the de-fault settings as they were and noticed that the frontend was included in the installation. Hallaluyah!

    15) Made sure that Auto Save was dis-abled on the in game option screen and formed a test group. I went adventuring and died horribly. For those who were just running the game from a disk install without the Co8 program, be prepared to see things you never knew were there.

    I am looking forward to enjoying the game. I am a D&D junky who doesn't have the time to sit down with friends and play the game as it should be. I miss that.
    When I bought this at Wal-Mart and loaded it up on my klunky old Win XP laptop I was very pleased. My jones was satisfied. When I tried it on this machine and it failed my cold sweats re-appeared and I was jones-ing again. I cannot thank those of you who run and maintain this site enough.
    If you stop and think about it, this game is the closest you can come to true D&D. I don't know anything about NVW. Just that it's on-line and costs buckage. ToEE gives me something to do when I am stuck at some shippers dock or laid over in a strange town.

    As I am not a code-cruncher I cannot help with this noble enterprise. If I find something in game that I think could be fixed or made easier, I will come to you. Until then, be safe and keep fighting the good fight. I will check from time to time to see how your expansion is coming along and mebbe just say hi :wavey:

    I thank you all again and you can go to sleep tonight knowing that you made a gray-haired, gear jammin', D&D lovin', magic missle launcher happy. :thumbsup:

    PS...if you wish, edit out all the bullshit and post this to your Vista compatability and work around sticky
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2008
  3. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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  4. ben34

    ben34 Member

    Feb 22, 2008
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    I will say this about vista I actually forgot to run the framework also but my friends computer who I was installing the mod for was not hooked up to the internet so It wasn't updated at all and I think the framework will be necessary
  5. Bob Corncob

    Bob Corncob Maverick Moon Miner

    Apr 13, 2007
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    IIRC Vista ships w/ .NET Framework 2.0
  6. frawsteh

    frawsteh Member

    Mar 21, 2008
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    Thanks alot, this worked great for me but i am still haveing issues of someone could please help....

    i dont not wish to get a hex editor as that just seems to be too much work just to play a game....
    therefor i downloaded like all the charicter editors from one of the threads, but i cant seem to get any of them to work..
    and on that note. i cannot seem to get the Shift+~ box to open so that i can do it the way i used to... i am very sad about this. so i was wondering if anyone can direct me to a good Editor that works for pee brained noobs like me that i can understand...

    thanks alot =]
  7. TonkaElk

    TonkaElk Gear Jammer

    Feb 22, 2008
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    I found a new way to make TOEE work. Lemme re-state that, I think I found a new way to make TOEE work in Vista. Mebbe it's not so new, I don't know. BUT, there is a way to load XP inside of Vista as a Virtual Machine. Has anyone heard of this?
  8. Nanoc-69

    Nanoc-69 Member

    May 16, 2012
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    Ok, it[s now 2012, and i wonder if there is a definitive way to get TOEE to work on my old Vista laptop.
  9. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    You run the front-end as admin just as everyone using Windows 7 does.

    Co8 ToEE worked fine with Vista/Norton 360 (so long as the laptop itself was working)
  10. Nanoc-69

    Nanoc-69 Member

    May 16, 2012
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    OK, thanks. I'll give it a try.
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