Craft Magical Arms and Armor

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Kyriff, Jan 3, 2005.

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  1. Kyriff

    Kyriff Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I am having issues crafting magic arms and armor. I guess one of my bigger issues is the fact that you can't buy masterwork weapons in this game, and I had to switch my Greataxe wielding warrior to a Greatsword wielding warrior, but that is beside the point.

    When I go to craft one of my items with my mage, who has fireball and lightning bolt, it won't allow me to put the elemental damage on the weapon. I can put more pluses, but no elemental damages.

    Do I need to have a scroll of the certain spell prepared, because I have the spells prepared, and that doesn't seem to do anything for me...

    PS I have the required gold and XP to enchant the weapon as well...
  2. zhuge

    zhuge Established Member Veteran

    Sep 27, 2003
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    You need a level 10 caster to craft the Flaming enhancement (apart from knowing how to cast Fireball). The Shock enhancement requires a level 8 caster (apart from knowledge of Lightning Bolt).
  3. Kyriff

    Kyriff Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Well... that makes sense... I am only lvl 7 at the moment, so that would be why I can't do it yet.

    Thanks for the info,

  4. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    That is weird. If you have the patches, you should be able to get ANYTHING masterwork from Brother Smythe in Hommlet. Try asking him.
  5. Kyriff

    Kyriff Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Yeah, I figured out that I needed the co8 patch to get the masterwork weapons and such from Brother Smyth. I had originally assumed I just needed the temple.dll.

    I don't suppose we will ever be able to buy masterwork arrows? Because my archer would be great with his +3 bow, and +3 arrows... :)
  6. Cilveran

    Cilveran Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I was just logging in to ask some of the exact same questions :D

    I was wondering as to making my weapon "keen", does anyone know what's required ? (I have the keen edge spell, a lvl7 wizard with exp/gold)

    Is there a "crafting guide" or something somewhere ? I would love to know when I can add the different bonuses and what their prerequisites are... (especially prerequisites for making weapons holy :D)
  7. Kyriff

    Kyriff Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    If you need information on the caster level required for specific bonuses, just go to this site:

    If you scroll down to the weapon special abilities, it will tell you the CL required for each one.

    Also, was it changed in 3.5 that Ranged Weapons and Ammunition bonuses do not stack? If so, then the archer got a little less cool....
    (Edit: Apparently it was changed. But it would still be cool to have masterwork arrows... so that you can put different abilities on the arrows and the bow.)

    Anyway, hope that helps...


    PS - For Keen, you will need a CL 10 wiz/sor with the Keen Edge Spell

    For Holy, you need a CL 7 Cleric with Holy Smite. I have been looking at the spell list for clerics, and it looks like the only way to get Holy Smite is to have a cleric with the Good Domain. This will allow you to have Holy Smite as your 4th lvl domain spell...
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2005
  8. Tazira

    Tazira Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Here's a note... I have the co8 patch installed and still can't get Brother Smyth to talk about Masterwork weapons...go figure. Maybe I've installed it wrong and that's where Kyriff is having problems???

  9. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    I have the official patches plus the Co8 fan fixes plus the temple.dll file from two weeks ago. The craft arms and armor is kind of wierd.
    At one point, I had my druid try her hand at putting shocking burst on a +3 holy axiomatic keen guisarme. The xp and costs were Negative values. She actually gained the xp and the money got added to the party pool LOL. Still don't know what is the culprit for that. As it is, I don't want to have my cleric craft holy and axiomatic onto anymore weapons since he is lagging way behind the group already LOL.
    Also I checked the rolls history and whenever my shocking burst enhanced weapons hit an enemy, I saw COLD damage not electrical damage besides the negative energy damage from being holy and axiomatic. I haven't used any frost enhancements on any of the weapons to account for the cold damage??
  10. zhuge

    zhuge Established Member Veteran

    Sep 27, 2003
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    That negative cost Crafting bug has been mentioned before. Please document the bug in detail and how to reproduce it without fail.

    The following are known Craft Arms and Armor bugs from the old Atari buglist:

    1)There is no ceiling(max 3) for number/power of enchantments put on crafted weapons.
    2)CTDs still occur. (?because too many enchantments are selected causing the name string to exceed maximum parameters)
    3)Crafted spell resistant armors do not have spell resistance.
    4)Shocking Burst and Icy Burst non-crit damage are listed as negative energy damage
    5)Further enhancements cannot be added to already magical shields. Masterwork shields work fine though.
    6)Clicking on Create button straightaway after selecting any armor or shield gives it a +3 enhancement for free!
    7)Incorrect XP requirement for applying enhancements to already magical items:
    E.g. to make a +2 long sword into +2 shock should cost S/B the cost of the +2 shock - cost of +2 (720 - 320) = 400 Xp. Instead, it is 80 XP. It is taking it as though it is a +1 enhancement (since your bumping it up by 1), instead of the value of the what your making minus the original value.
  11. rush

    rush Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    wondrous items

    I would've thought rings were WI's but didn't see them in the list.
    They don't show when I craft arms & armor either.

    Please where can I find them?

  12. zhuge

    zhuge Established Member Veteran

    Sep 27, 2003
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    Forge Ring is a separate feat and was introduced by moebius in his temple.dll.
    Going by 3.5e rules it requires a higher character level requirement as compared to other craft feats.

    Quoting moebius's readme:
    o Forge Ring and Craft Staff are in. No actual items for you to craft, but it's the thought that counts, right? (And they're now set with the right feat requirements. Forgot to change them back after testing. Meh.)
  13. Storm Raven

    Storm Raven Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Just a note. In the 3.5 rules, the CL listed in the weapon and armor entries (and most other magic item entries except where it specifically lays out a caster level minimum, like in crafting higher powered cloaks of resistance) is not a prerequisite. It is the caster level of randomly found items with that ability. To be 3.5e rules compliant, the game should allow a crafter to craft an items once he meets all of the prerequisites, and for these sorts of things, caster level isn't one of them.
  14. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I've been arguing this one for awhile, but just as many people can quote someone from WoTC saying it is a requirment as can quote someone from WoTC saying it isn't.
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    D'oh! For a minute there I thought Zhuge was back... :(
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