One of my favourite book series by my favourite writers has been made into a movie (Well the first book anyway). Its soley animated, but beggers can't be choosers. I've always hoped that they might have thought it could be the next Lord of the Rings and make it into a blockbuster, wishful thinking I know. Anyhow I'm really interested to see it and hear Kiefer Sutherland gasp along as Raistlan.
I managed to obtain a copy of the movie and sadly I was disappointed. Its a combination of cartoon and CGI. But the CGI just seems to highlight how bad the cartoon animation is. The story is reasonably close to the book, but the characters don't develop like they do in the books. Same old story though, if you have read the book, usually you don't enjoy the movie.
that's too bad...The book was perfect for an adaption, not too long, not overly deep, good characters and story.... but thats the trick isn't it? It seems great books seem to have not-so-great adaptations, more times than not. I guess they can't all be Lord of the Rings.....
You can see that in the first seconds of the trailer :blegh: I wonder what's WotC criteria for design/artwork...they have awesome drawers/ilustrators, and yet they have more than half of their books filled with CRAP. It couldn't have been different with a movie...don't they see it sucks? don't they have a board that look at that?
I loved the Dragonlance books,I even use one of the first lines spoken by one of the most loved characters as my signature here. Why on earth would they want to associate such a bestseller series of books with such dodgy animation, especially when the animationin Beowulf is so lifelike? Is D&D such a niche market that a great story doesn't deserve a decent budget? I see this movie flopping big time, and it will do a great diservice to the authors.
Just wanted to pop in to say this is my favorite anime of all time. Good storytelling. Great art. Poor animation. True D&D made into anime. I ran a game in the setting once.