Official KotB Demo Bug List

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Shiningted, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. SanityLost42

    SanityLost42 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    A couple things I noticed in a random encounter - if it matters:

    Campsite Random Map

    4 wolves, 1 each Normal, Grey, Mountain and Shadow.

    Party contains a Longspear, and a Ranseur.

    while the combat ended REALLY fast, and I was unable to determine ALL of the tactical reasonings .... the Wolves both provoked TOO many AoO, and not enough. 2nd person in the initiative was one of the reach folks - he ran forward: None of the wolves that charged at him provoked an attack of opportunity.

    Yet: once everyone was closed to melee range .... all the wolves provoked 3-4 AoO and died.... horribly. I don't THINK they were trying to move? I'm 75%+ certain that they were provoking AoO off their attacks, as if they didn't have Improved Unarmed.

    Hope this helps.

    (Odd, this didn't post when I wanted it to)

    Encounter later on, with a wolf included: he DID provoke 3 AoO by running around to hit someone in the back .... and died. Wolves are smart, and pack hunters - and love to flank - but that was a bit ....

    This run Billy never showed, despite getting shot at (happened before H_K's fix >.<) and I had an idea - if the problem, Possibly, is that he's too far from the cat controlling him .... attach the entire thing to the mangy dog Right there? or drop in another control cat? or move the control cat?
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008
  2. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Here's one that may not be KotB related, but I never noticed it in Co8:

    The 14 Str composite longbow I bought from the merchant caravan gave my archer a +1 to his attack bonus. I tried the 12 Str comp. bow and a regular longbow, but they did not give the bonus.
  3. SanityLost42

    SanityLost42 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    Merchant in a hole: Down the rope, rescued the merchant, right back up the rope, said your welcome and goodbye. .... back to the rope! Why hello merchant stuck in the hole! (just the dialog, he wasn't down there)

    Minor spelling, Thank You, has been thankyou. I've seen it 5+ times, that I've registered anyway.

    (edit add)

    It appears as if the area after speaking w/ the Castellan that is supposed to allow resting, does not.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Maybe wolves should have a few ranks of tumble? :shrug: I'll check to make sure all the wolves have the feat. But otherwise, sometimes you don't get your AoO. I don't know how many times I've cursed the engine because I didn't get my AoO on approach, or I even readied vs approach (I do that a lot) with a normal melee character and didn't get my attack, or I didn't get a sneak attack when I should have... unless I am missing something, that just seems to be the game.

    The mangy dog is a target, but moving the cat may not be a bad idea at all. But the cat controls other things, and needs to be standing near something or he will look silly. Anyways, I haven't tried to fix Billy yet (since I want to get him just right) but I am happy for suggestions :)
  5. SanityLost42

    SanityLost42 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    after other encounters w/ Wolves throughout the game, it's Possible, that they were running around to flank, and just died first (Combat Reflexes, mostly surrounded, and a couple reach weapons)

    I posted it, as it seemed more likely that they just got mauled for no reason, but it is possible they were trying to be tacticaly sound. On that note, they ARE more than smart enough to have 4-6 ranks in tumble, if they're going to be scripted to run around and set up flanking, and triping type mob tactics.

    it MAY have just been a case of their tactics being used against them ;)

    Mad Riddle:

    Items 3 and 10 WORK, they just don't "click" - This was pointed out in a random help me thread. Did make for some more frustration, along with plain old Missing a couple key bits. but Props for the Riddle - made me happy.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2008
  6. Grom Fellaxe

    Grom Fellaxe Dwarf Warrior

    Jul 31, 2007
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    The Smith does not give you the Black Dragon scale armor after he crafts it for you. I have saved the game just prior to "picking it up", and tried with all members of my party, just in case it was class specific for some reason. The dialogue says that he is giving it, and you can reply, but that is it. As a side note, he does deduct the cost from your money.

    Also, it was mentioned earlier from another person about the hesitation and CTD in the northwest corner of the Pine Forest. My first time through I did not have this problem, but this time it happens every time, and so I can not complete the spider quest because the program freezes. It starts with hesitations that get rapidly worse, then the graphics start to randomly change, and the colors switch. At this point either a CTD happens, or I have to Alt Tab and shut the program down. This also happens in one spot in the North West corner, which also did not occur the first time through.
  7. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Hum, i use a lot the "ready vs approach", and ALWAYS work.
    In fact, now everything works really smooth, except for the crash when i quit the game near an animation, and a kind of lag in the keep: every 10-15 seconds, the game freezes for a second (that's when the "fake" clicking happens, as someone reported before).
    I still think it's something about animations.
    Ted, what's the time of looping for character animations? i mean the people in the keep (specially marketplace)
    Well, a cat in a roof wouldn't look silly.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    This. :yes:

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Yeah, a cat on a catwalk; who'da thunk...

    Or can you simply recolor the cat, so that it is the same color as the area you put it, so that it is invisible?

    Is it a big deal if one gets killed? I rested near one and a randomly spawned spider killed the cat that was next to my party.
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats funny.

    Only the cats in the Keep itself have to survive - the others have done their job by the time you see them. but don't get into the habit of killing them - later they will do plot-based respawning and such.
    I fixed that, but forgot to put those files in the last patch :blush:
    Bummer, eh? You get all that way and he won't hand it over ;)

    Thats the same bug that stops him selling to you: already fixed, will be in next patch :)
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2008
  11. Flak88

    Flak88 Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Had an issue with 1.03. Downloaded it and tried to launch, but I couldn't start the game because it told me I had a duplicate file and that I should delete data.KOTB - anyone else run into this?
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    That means you didn't deactivate the KotB module according to the install instructions: you installed a new data.kotB while your old one was the default (just 'data'). Delete that second data.KotB then follow the patch install instructions closely.

    I realise this is the opposite of the install procedure for the Co8 CMF (where you want the Co8 game to be default). We are aware of this and working to reconcile both games in a number of ways :)
  13. zed

    zed Member

    Feb 26, 2008
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    Hi there


    Got some questions regarding gameplay:

    1) The Grassy Gnoll - after first notice you go to Bailiff up, kill, back down ... next reward talk is being processed. After that Assistant gets rid of my party and not letting me in even when I wanted to report Spider Area clearing. What shall I do? How can I get to the Bailiff again?

    2) The Riddle: (((2x-10)*2)*2-10 = 0 -> x = 12.5/2=6.25; So? This g thing does not participate :)

  14. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    For the first time I'm experiencing very bad lag at the entrance to the lizardman lair, down to about a frame a second.

    Also, after I give the bailiff his bow and arrows back, the conversation ends normally, but one of his cronies says "what you again" and throws me out. I hadn't been in before except to get the quest.
  15. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    In my very first game (weeks ago), I was resting right where you entered the pine forest and was attacked by a spawn spider and the cat was caught in the web. After the spider was dead the battle didn't end. The cat was pissed off at me, of all things, and I had to kill the cat to end the battle.

    The other nite I was resting at the top of the map where the lizardman cave is and was, yet again, attacked by a bunch a spiders (and whatnot) and this time, as I said in my previous post, the spider killed the cat. Actually, the cat was right next to my characters and we were all in their webs and the spider walked up next to me, but did not attacked me. It attacked the cat first.

    So if these outside map cats will be important later, then maybe it is time to make them either un-attackable, or have them invincable and always on your side in battles.

    Can you simply hide the important cats in some of that foliage that you can't go in? So they will be protected in there from stray spell affects and monsters.
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